"With Us Everywhere"
(c) By: Sharon Slaton Howell
"God is with you
in everything you do"* --
words so very true,
meant for me and you;
on a bookmark they are,
a friend sent from afar.
Whether night or day,
at home or when away,
feeling up and cheery,
or down and weary,
a faith-lighted thought this --
that our loving Father is
never apart from us.
Is this not glorious? --
That His care does surround;
His loving arms are around
all those we love,
beside them always, above;
and not only ones we greet,
but those we may never meet--
what would mankind do
is this were not true?
Oh, but it is the case,
which nothing can erase.
God with us -- what a treasure,
comfort beyond all measure.
*Genesis 21:22