I have mentioned this neighbor before and her new experience with Christian Science. She has been reading Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy for some months now and has had some wonderful healings. Well, yesterday she stopped by and told me about a experience she just had with a spider bite. She and her husband both thought it was a brown recluse type (whatever they are supposed to be able to do.) The effects of the bite were quite challenging she said. Not to go into gory detail, but when her leg showed the skin being eaten into, her husband who is not studying CS was alarmed and thought she should go to the doctor. But having seen what her budding understanding of God's laws can do, she declined. "I felt God could take care of this problem, too" she related to me.
She continued the account: "I turned to my little book (as she calls the Christian Science textbook). I don't recall just what statement brought my healing, but I could see that the whole episode was only an illusion, not real at all." Then she pulled up her jeans a bit and showed me the place where she had been bitten. "See", she said, "nothing at all. No swelling, not even a red mark!"
Our conversation then turned to her mom who lives in another Tennessee town. Cyndi had been thinking about sending her a copy of the Eddy book, as she also calls it. The woman is beset with so many physical problems, my friend said. It then occurred to me that I might write a very light-touch note to go along with the book. I told the lady that this book had done wonderful things for me, and then told her about my own mother who just by reading Science and Health was remarkably healed when doctors could do no more for her.
As it is in other cases, Cyndi's mom might not be at all interested in the book. But having been grateful many times for the kind neighbor who introduced our family to Christian Science, I never let an opportunity go by without doing likewise.