Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Dotting Each "i", Crossing Each "t'

(c) By: Sharon Slaton Howell

God has of our lives
the complete mastery.
Are you saying to yourself,
this sounds too good to be true;
it couldn't apply to me?
But cannot our God see
things we can't possibly?
Can't He take care of
every last detail of all
that concerns us?
Of course He can.
The Old Testament declares:
(Psalms 22:28)
"The kingdom is the Lord's:
and he is the governor
among the nations."
If God runs the universe --
and He does --
and as I thought last night,
holds those gems in the sky,
we surely can upon Him
happily, totally rely.
And just imagine what delight
it is for the kind Father of all
to all our burdens bear,
to look after all things,
both great and small.

Is it not only right
that we His loved children
acknowledge His government --
and trust His comprehensive care?