Saturday, January 17, 2009


Obedience Pays Dividends

(c) By: Sharon Slaton Howell

Let a person actually get down
to business about obeying
anything Christ Jesus requires
and one is going to be tested.
So, get yourself rested
I tell myself,
ready for temptation
to revert to former ways.
No sooner had I taken Jesus' words
in Matthew 12:36 to heart,
(translation to me: do not gossip!)
than along came our neighborhood's
chief doer of tearing others down,
with the latest juicy bit.
But God be praised, this time around
evil's bait was resisted;
didn't even want to take part,
kept my comments on topics good.
How clean it felt to escape sin,
and act the way I should.
The strength, of course,
was not my own --
it was HIS.