Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Christ Alive in Us

        When we come across someone who has love for Christ Jesus at their center, we know, oh how we know. And tell me it isn't a thrill to find those who are like-minded.

        And to get to write for our Master.  But still, the object of what we writers for Jesus are doing,  I remind myself, is not solely to reach those who already feel as we do, but to so live our lives that others may wonder, what causes that person to be radiating such loving-kindness, to be so peaceful, so joyful, so strong in their faith. And when they ask, to be able to tell them what is blessing us so greatly.

        Jesus said, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in heaven."  (Matthew 5:16)  The heavenly privilege of being a reflector of that Light Jesus talks about, a Light that cannot be hid!  People notice these things, and just the other day a neighbor commented, "I know Jesus is your guy."  She's Hindu so doesn't follow in Christ's steps. We had not discussed religion, still something about what motivates me obviously came through in our dealings.

        Living what Jesus taught, and loving what He said, is going to show. And it just may cause someone to seek things higher, ending up with a heart on fire for our great King.

        Can you think of anything higher, more pleasing to God Who sent His Son to us than this?  I can't.