If the mighty meekness Christ Jesus
In his daily life exemplified,
Lived, in ours, will keep us
Unresponsive to the prince of this world,
From unavoidable happiness free,
Then let our heartfelt asking be
Give me, O God, more humility --
The true humility our Master showed.
Didn't He seem at times
To be trying to hide himself,
Never trying to be a "star",
Wanting invariably instead
To see His Father glorified?
So let us choose life's "lowest room",*
Be unpretentious in what we do and are.
It is this not seeking things for ourselves,
Living to honor not us but Him,
That keeps us from the pride
That will make our life
Not His heaven, but a hell;
That empowers us to walk
The Christly path that blesses
Others lives and ours as well.
*(See Luke 14:7-ll)