Sunday, April 19, 2015

Dotting the "i", Crossing the "t"

        Is not the Creator of all things ever at hand to help us with any problem that comes up in our day to day? Yes He is, I sincerely believe.  God can clear the way--whatever the thicket appears to be.

        Our loving Father can bring to light solutions that we, unaided, just cannot see.  The Old Testament says, "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Besides doing what an obedient child of His should be doing, it makes sense to me to be turning ever more to the One divine Mind for help.

        More than once lately when we've faced serious glitches and had no idea what to do, God showed us a solution that I'm sure we never would have thought of.  So thorough was the resolution, it was as though someone had dotted the "i" and crossed the "t, so to speak.

        I recall some years ago when a business situation had me in a tight corner.  I mentioned it to a close friend who happened to be a Christian Science practitioner.  "Whom can I take this problem to? I asked, sitting there in his downtown office.  This wise and experienced man said, "Why not take it to God?"  At that stage in my spiritual progress, this seemed like a radical step. But my friend was on the right track.  And in the intervening years, instead of turning to people first when problems arise, I've learned that superior--and quicker--answers come when we acknowledge God's all-presence and power.  And trust in Him to resolves issues for us.
