Friday, January 4, 2013


From time to time someone will say to me that they are having a challenge with their sight.  So often this calls to my thought several things, some of which I pass along to them.

First, that the teachings of Christian Science do heal sight problems.  And certainly have through the last 100-plus years.  I've marveled many times at the profuse testimonies of this in the chapter of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures titled "Fruitage".  Person after person, many of whom were given dire predictions about their sight, were completely and permanently healed through just reading Mary Baker Eddy's inspired book.  What these men and women experienced through gaining an understanding of God's laws and man's true being, any person today can experience.

And in my own family, my mother who experienced many physical healings through her study and demonstration of Christian Science, had a healing of sight in her later years.  Being an energetic, giving individual, she was substitute teaching several years after so-called retirement, and one day noticed that her eye glasses were not doing the job.  She took them off, and found to her great joy that she no longer needed them.  She could see better without, than with.  And this normal seeing continued throughout her long and active life.  She told me that she hadn't been praying specifically about her sight, but was studying the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health, for a deeper understanding of God.

And the last point on my mind this morning is a powerful and healing truth from one of the early Christian Science periodicals.  This is from the June 1921 Journal and it was written by Paul Stark Seeley.  In it he brings out that God causes His child to see, not by and through matter, but in spite of it.  In other words, that seeing is in God and man has perfect sight as His reflection.  (These my words.)  Anyway, it might prove well worth your time to look this article up, either in a Christian Science Reading Room, or on-line.  The title of this wonderful article is "Perception".