Friday, April 10, 2009

Caring about all God's creatures

One might think I've got a Christian Science/New York Times blog going here! But as a comment I made yesterday on a Nicholas Kristof column on animal rights--"Humanity Even for Nonhumans"--is generating lots of feedback, some from surprising sources, thought I'd repeat it here. Let's see what you are led to say. Some will agree, some will not. But it is an important topic, in my view.

"Dear Nicholas,

You can bet your life there will be a whole lot of soul-searching going on because of this column, which the comments already are showing. Tell me it isn't an ongoing struggle for my husband and me who dearly love animals and devote every spare cent we can to help dogs and cats who can't say "I'm suffering, I'm starving, help me, please!" to a balance a la meat eating. Growing up in Texas where one couldn't go out to dinner without consuming a huge steak, I now eat very little meat. But as you admit, I still do it and it bothers me. About the only way I can manage it is to just not think about where it came from. What shot me forward years ago toward a more humane attitude toward all forms of life was coming across Albert Schweitzer's "Reverence for Life." It changed mine dramatically. But I can do more to show compassion for God's creatures. I'm working on it.
Thanks for stimulating thought on a vital topic.

Sharon Slaton Howell
Farragut, TN"

Now, dear readers, have at it!