Saturday, December 27, 2008

Until next year...

While brimming over with thoughts I want to share on this blog, have another project at the moment, so they'll keep until 2009. But do want to thank all you people who have made this endeavor successful, so full of joy and blessing--to me above all else. Since mid-September when this began, have held to something one of Mary Baker Eddy's household workers at Chestnut Hill, MA--Martha Wilcox-- pointed out. And this is it, in essence: every right idea comes from God, the One Mind, and carries with it activity and power. (An un-diluting metaphysician there for sure!) And what could be more right than presenting to mankind our love for Christ and Christian Science?

I realize the Internet has its downside, with predators trolling it who are after people's money and/or their bodies. A lot of trash out there. But what an avenue for reaching "the globe's remotest bounds", as page 559 in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures has it. To feel inspiration, then post it, and have readers reached almost at once is a marvelous thing. And as I was just reading in Prose Works this week, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science would approve the Internet's right uses, I feel sure. On page 345 of First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, Mrs. Eddy says of modern inventions, "They light the way to the Church of Christ. We use them, we make them our figures of speech. They are preparing the way for us."

So, in signing off for a few days, I would encourage other of my fellow Christian Scientists to consider starting their own blog. It has vast potential for spreading the glorious Word of God. And for furthering the teachings of our dear Master, Christ Jesus, as given with such reverence through divine Science.

One last thought: for anyone launching a blog, you will need to pray for it/defend it mentally/cherish it. There are, unfortunately, those out there who visit such sites as this every single day to interfere with it and shut it down. This is to be expected where Christ is active. But anything God-given, God-approved, God-supported will go on blessing those who are ready for the good we have to share.

May the New Year be your most blessed and productive!