Friday, March 2, 2018

From Chaos to Calm

          When nothing seems to be going right and things are about to get out of hand, a sense of calm may be the last thing we're feeling.  We can do something about this.

        These words from the Old Testament always help me get on top of the situation."Be still, and know that I am God."  Calm is always restored when we take to heart the Scriptural promises of God's presence.  And His love for us.  We can trust Him and actually feel His command of our lives in place of the upheaval.

        God knows you and me not as buffeted material beings but as His spiritual reflection, in possession right now of His dominion and peace--the same peace that Christ Jesus manifested and said was ours.  Christ is always at hand to calm any turbulence we may be going through.

        Everything our Saviour said and did is worthy of the most careful study.  An incident recorded in the Gospel of Luke, which tells about the time Jesus and the disciples encountered a storm on the Sea of Galilee, offers great comfort.  When his frightened followers woke him with "Master, master, we perish," the winds and waves instantly ceased.  Whatever personal storm we may be going through, Christ is always in the "boat" with us.

        It is this heartfelt acknowledgement of God's allness that will always take us from chaos to calm.  Praying from the standpoint of His control of our lives will replace our materially distracted thoughts with the conviction that our loving Father--the all-directing, supremely governing intelligence of man and the universe--is indeed in charge of everything that concerns us.  Down to the tiniest detail, I have learned. What could be more comforting to us?