Saturday, January 6, 2018

A Remarkable Woman

The secret of her influence on my life,
This woman I admire"
I think it was Christ's impact on her health
And life, her heart set afire
To reach people all over the world
With God's divine method of healing.

This remarkable woman, Mary Baker Eddy,*
Loved many things I have read.
Little children, people in need.
But she loved Christ more, she said.
"...more than all the world"**
She lived her life wholly self-forgoing.

This lady yearned to know
The things that Jesus knew.
She prayed and toiled and leaned on God,
And He always brought her through.
And because she wrote what God revealed
My life is blessed beyond telling.

And not my life alone,
But lives all over the earth.
For what this Christ follower did
Is showing mankind their present worth
As God's perfect-right-now creation --
His healing power extending.

*The Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science
**Message to The Mother Church for 1901, page 28