Saturday, September 3, 2016

Watch That Disturbed Thinking!

        Last month I quoted something from Psalms to the effect of keeping our thoughts in God.  "God is not in all his thoughts", to be precise.  (Psalms 10:4) 

        Expanding on this, it is clear to me that God being Love, and love all the time without exception, if we're to have our thoughts in God, they have to be loving also, have to be what Jesus lived and commanded his followers to embody above all else. 

        Having allowed myself to get disturbed over this or that mundane glitch more times than I care to admit ,and paying for it (naturally), I can see that our thinking has to pattern that of Christ, that Christlike love, no matter how trying day-to-day situations may sometimes seem, is paramount.

        Jesus said, "The prince of this world cometh and findeth nothing in me", that is, nothing of its own unloving, disturbed, resentful, etc. nature.  Opening the door to un-Christlikeness will cause us to undergo experiences we do not have to have.  And hopefully, you and I are learning through hard experience, if need be, to not play host to the prince of this world through disturbed thinking..