A couple of years ago I wrote a poem titled "No Walk in the Park" to help others gain a mature grasp of what following in Jesus' steps requires of us.
In fact, let me share the poem here, then comment on something from the writings of Mary Baker Eddy that has been of inestimable help to me in the Christian warfare, and could just be what someone else needs today:
"No Walk in the Park"
(c) By: Sharon Slaton Howell
Doing what God requires
Is of course no lark.
Jesus never even hinted
It'd be a walk in the park.
In fact, Jesus left no doubt
Just what could lie ahead
In these words to those
God-called men he led:
"Whosoever killeth you will
Think he doeth God service."
(John 16:2)
Doesn't need to be put
Plainer than this for me.
Nor I suspect for you who
Love Christ unconditionally.
But becoming more like our Saviour,
The most obedient-to-God man on earth,
Shouldn't this some all out,
Go-for-broke commitment be worth?
For we know, disobeying the God
We are taught to adore,
Is sooner or later sure to
Cost us so much more.
Now for a statement that has sustained me in the challenges that confront every soldier of Christ Jesus. This is from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 48: "Remembering the sweat of agony which fell in holy benediction on the grass of Gethsemane, shall the humblest or mightiest disciple murmur when he drinks from the same cup, and think, or even wish, to escape the exalting ordeal of sin's revenge on its destroyer?"
The words that jumped out at me the first time I looked this statement in the face was "exalting ordeal". Especially that word she used, "exalting". And as so many others can attest, the challenges God's own face in their daily lives of living Jesus' words, do leave us much stronger, blessed. May you, reader of this blog, take comfort in this divine fact.