Thursday, August 13, 2009

Angel Helpers

An interesting experience this morning while sitting outside with one of our dogs, enjoying the soft breeze and the scent of our neighbor's roses wafting in the air. Had the distinct sense that if I turned around, would see someone. A quiet feeling of a benign Presence. In fact, occurred a couple of times this morning. And given all the Scriptures bring out about angels, why should we not have this lovely feeling of being surrounded by invisible helpers? And though I had a solid experience of this while living in another city years ago, haven't spoken of it much. But did put it in my book, "And Angels Smile". Am giving it below for whatever help it may give some reader somewhere in the world.

Walking Down Huntington Avenue
(Boston, Massachusetts)

(c) By: Sharon Slaton Howell

That angels can take the form of men,
I can attest.
For one day such a Being
Walked along with me.
It was some years ago now,
But as real and tangible
As you are, dear reader.
Whether male or female
I couldn't say.
But immensely tall and powerful it was.
Yet oh so gentle and reassuring.
And what others have said
About that dazzling white is true.
For its garment I could see
Out of the corner of my eye
As the angel walked behind my
Left shoulder -- the whitest white
I had ever seen.
What did it mean? Was I in danger?
I still do not know.
Perhaps someday I shall.
But that angels do appear as men
Is indisputably true.
Angels looked after Jesus.
And they take care of me and you.