While raking wet leaves just now, after what Mary Baker Eddy terms "the treasures of rain" (Prose Works) down here in the South where we need every drop--a lot of rain Friday!--two things come to mind:
First, I was thanking God over and over for the way He resolved a business situation just this week. I still want to get down on my knees in gratitude for the way He can work.! Wednesday evening, knowing a decision would have to be made very soon, I began to be troubled by niggling thoughts of what if this happens? what if it turns out to be much more complicated and that happens? What of the potential consequences for me and others if the deal falls through? Of course, being a student of Christian Science all my life, I prayed about this, really worked metaphysically to know many of the truths I had known before with good results. Peace of mind did come when I really felt God was in charge and as Jesus says, knows our need before we ask Him. Slept like a baby all night I'm happy to report. Then the next morning, quite unexpectedly, made a phone call, was led to take human steps, and voila, the solution presented itself within the hour, with kind, knowledgable people so helpful! I could scarcely believe it happened so fast. Was overjoyed. Wanted to stop the car on the way back, and bow down to the ground in nearly tearful thanks at what He had done.
So much for this proof of what He can do and does for those who trust in Him.
Now, the next thought that might be of help to some reading this blog. And oh how I thank God that it has opened up as a way to share. If anyone wishes to use this as a way to give a testimony, please feel free. As you know, you do not have to put your name, if that feels better for you, and you just want to express your thanks for Christian Science. And know it will be on its way instantly for who knows who somewhere across the world to be blessed by reading. How I am enjoying the freedom of this blog in that I do not have to send in things to Boston, have it over edited (to me) and then wait and wait and wait for it to go out to the world in need of inspiration. For years, as many of you know, I did publish much through the periodicals, but two things made this not right for me. First, when a poem I sent in was mangled by someone who shouldn't have been doing poems in the first place. I did let it go through to publication, thinking as so many others have, better half a loaf than nothing. Perhaps one tiny spark of inspiration will help someone. Then, an article for the Journal back in 2001 I refused to let be published as the metaphysics were so watered down. Was just not me at all. A helpful friend in Journal Sentinel Editorial went to bat for me, got some CS restored, and it was published. But with the watering down of my pieces for the new Sentinel beginning in l998 (had people tell me, this just isn't the Sharon Howell I used to read) , this tore it for me. Just couldn't go there anymore. While I have submitted no prose pieces for the Journal or Sentinel, did send in 3 or 4 poems in the past couple of years. However, as I would not have let one hair on their heads be touched, probably wouldn't have worked out for publication and God took care of it by their being rejected. So, God opened up other channels that have blessed me and people around the world.
That's all from me this perfectly beautiful Saturday morning from scenic Tennesee. You have a wonderful, God-inspired and directed day, my dear friends.