I almost think there will be many parts to what I posted originally on getting back to our God. While driving back from breakfast this Friday morning, do you know what thought came clearly? Our Cause is in the hands of angels! Have no idea just why this came, nor fully what it means. But it came, and I'm passing it along. Men (and one woman) cannot destroy what God is upholding, can they?
And another brief mention of something I read in the Wall Street Journal last night that bears on what we're thinking about--and doing--turning back to God. Daniel Henniger has the most riveting piece called "Mad Max and the Meltdown." Look it up on the Internet if you're inclined, or get a copy of the paper. I won't quote him directly, but oh what a vivid writer. Such talent, as I told him in a glowing letter written some weeks ago. But the gist of his timely, fresh, attention-grabbing article is this: America is in the trouble it's in because of one thing: the de-religizing of everything, being ashamed and feeling it politically incorrect to even utter the phrase, Merry Christmas. I couldn't agree more. As he says plainly, when a country gets to this point, it is in serious difficulty.
Then swing the discussion over to our Church. Can you not see the parallels? Of course you can. I certainly can. So let us do our best for our God and get Christ Jesus front and center in our beloved Christian Science once more!