Thursday, November 27, 2008

Travel Outside His Presence? Impossible

(Reading a fuller account just now in The New York Times of the Mumbai terrorist attack, as well as thinking of all the extra travel many of us will be doing this Thanksgiving holiday, the following lines have come to thought...)

When we have a trip to make,
whether we drive, fly or sail,
it isn't necessary to have
with us a security detail.

We can feel protected
wherever we need to go.
We can feel God's presence,
and complete safety know.

Jeremiah 23:24 has God asking,
"Do not I fill heaven and earth?"
One can depend on this
for all he or she is worth.

This assures me that
His help is at hand
wherever we happen to
go throughout the land.

Perpetually at work
is God's power divine,
to oversee and guard
your precious life and mine.

How comforting to think
God is with us everywhere;
it isn't possible to be
outside His loving care.