Tuesday, October 1, 2013

"who did hinder you...?"

                                             John Robert Howell

        A lump of coal in the sock of supplication instead of spiritual blessing?  A rivulet of sincere and hope-filled prayers which peters out ineffectually on mortal mind's dry alluvial plain?  If so, it is easy to become discouraged, or at least begin puttering about dispiritedly, while letting aggressive mental suggestions, instead of God, sit in the catbird seat.

        I have wondered more than once, regrettably not to my bitter enough chagrin, why I have even once thought I could scale the heights of heaven with less time spent in prayer than Christ Jesus or Mary Baker Eddy.  When error's skirmish line of adversity is advancing on one's lethargically defended position is not the time to chase one's tail in a tizzy, wondering how to get the pin out of his Scientific grenade.  If we are always as obedient to God as we know how, we are increasingly semper fidelis and semper paratus--and thus under His loving protection.

        Prayer, watching and working are always, Mrs. Eddy tells us, required for growth in grace, and the onset of error's floodtide is not the time to dust off the life-boat kit and begin reading the instructions for assembly.  Christ Jesus and Mrs. Eddy both are very clear on the necessity for and how of spiritual progress.  The Bible and the writings of Mrs. Eddy will not keep the false claims of mortal mind at bay if they are only used as impromptu scotches at the bottom of our mental doors.  But thank God, with all the  help we get in the inspired Word and the teachings of divine Science, it's good to know we have more than enough metaphysical tools to do what He requires of us.