Monday, February 1, 2010

Like garlic to a vampire

(c)  By:  Sharon Slaton Howell

What is?

Christly love to the prince of this world.

Just like the fiend I've seen

In films and have read about,

Who the smell of this

Protectorant cannot stand,

So that love Jesus enjoins upon us,

If we take our Lord and Master

Seriously, and live it,

Will do for us things most glorious.

Love is grand!

It saves/heals/enriches,

Keeps us out of evil's reach.

While Christlke love, imbibed,

All selfish materialists eschew

Let me say again,

There is nothing

That that Love great men and women

Through the ages have written about--

Love no one can afford to be without --

Will not do for me and you.