(Having just had a conversation with one of my dear Christian friends on the topic of heaven, bless her heart, feel inspired this lovely October 30th morning to put down some thoughts on same.)
Because so many people have not been taught the joy and practicality of developing their spiritual sense, they deprive themselves of a better and happier life, looking to some future heaven to provide them with fulfillment and happiness.
But Christian Science shows that it is unnecessary for any of us to wait before experiencing happiness, health, and well-being. You and I do not have to postpone good to some future time -- we receive it from God and reflect it now. God, divine Love, is constantly bestowing on His spiritual likeness, man, blessings that are satisfying and unending.
And just think of Christ Jesus who, when he was approached by someone in need, did not refer that person to a future paradise. Instead, the Master blessed the receptive seeker right then and there. Did he not say in Luke (17:21) "Behold, the kingdom of God is within you"? When we sincerely open our thoughts to the ever-present Christ, Truth, we are given the spiritual ideas to meet our present human need. Whether for a job, companionship, safety, a place to live, or release from pain or suffering.
And think about this, if you will. Does a loving human parent -- aware of his children's needs --intentionally withhold good? How much more, then, may we expect from our heavenly Father, infinite, ever-present, divine Love! Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered and founded Christian Science, writes in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures on page 494: "Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need."
So many people out there consider existence a matter of sometimes "having" and more often of "not having." They mentally accept discord and deprivation, expecting and receiving only occasional benefits. They are taught to look to heaven as the only place where they will find constant good. I find this so sad. But the kingdom of God, all good, is within us. We already possess the joys of heaven--here and now. As Christian Science points out, the only change we have to make is from our acceptance of a mortal, solitary, incomplete sense of existence to the acknowledgment of spiritual existence, immortal, Godlike.
In that book I mentioned by Mrs. Eddy is this statement (page 171): "Through discernment of the spiritual opposite of materiality, even the way through Christ, Truth, man will reopen with the key of divine Science the gates of Paradise which human beliefs have closed, and will himself unfalllen, upright, pure and free."
Many men and women I personally know who had unknowingly resigned themselves to a life of pain, lack, despair, or unhappiness have found to their great joy that heavenly good is possible here and now. Through the teachings of Christian Science they have successfully eliminated mental barries to health, harmony and freedom.
Waking up to the divine fact that we are in heaven where we are does open the door to exciting possibilities. And I can say from my own experience, the more I am realizing this, not only is my life more blessed than I ever expected, people around the world are being helped in ways I never would have imagined.