Saturday, October 25, 2008

God's supply recession-proof

Sitting here this Saturday morning thinking about the economy, several thoughts come to mind: first, I happened to read in The Wall Street Journal the other night about some economic downturn in 1907, and it occurred to me, why the Leader of the Christian Science movement, Mary Baker Eddy, was on the scene working for her Cause during this time. I do not know the particulars of how severe the problems were, but it is apparent that she and her Cause came through it all. And I couldn't help thinking about the wonderful practitioners and teachers during the Great Depression, who through what they knew of God's laws came through it all intact, if not abounding in money. I can't say about this, but I do know they prevailed through what they understood of God's everpresent goodness and government.

Just some of the things that come to thought right now:

l) As Christ Jesus demonstrated for his followers for all time, God's supply is infinite. This Jesus proved time and again as readers of his parables know. God obviously knows nothing about lack or finite good, since there is no such thing in His universe. And His universe is actually the only one there is;

2) As Mrs. Eddy stated in something she wrote (and a Baptist friend of mine was greatly enlightened by when I showed her the statement) man is God's reflection, and since His hands are full, so are ours. Let me quote it in full for you. This is in the book We Knew Mary Baker Eddy, page 134: "When you stand before a mirror and look at your reflection, it is the same as the original. Now you are God's reflection. If His hands are full, your hands are full, if you image Him. You cannot know lack." This lady said, what that woman brought out is a brand new idea for me! I have never thought of myself as God's reflection. This is so neat to think about!

3) And picking up on the thought of our being God's image and likeness, His reflection, I have learned through the teachings of Christian Science that as the one Mind, God couldn't be less than whole or complete, less than infinite, less than finished and complete, man, His manifestation can't be incomplete or lacking any good thing. An understanding of the completeness of God's creation and of ourselves as His child, His always-cared for child, can be demonstrated by any one of us. And it so obviously has been through the decades by thousands of students of Christian Science who have proved in their own daily lives God's supply is recession-proof.

Hope some of this is a comfort to my readers. We don't have to sink under the current, and projected, conditions.