Thursday, December 21, 2017

God's Unspeakable Gift

                                                         John Robert Howell

The muezzin of the infinite and light-enthroned firmament
marked the nightly vigils' silent and meditative hours
of those wakeful, watchful shepherds, Scientific avatars,
who pondered not dusty constellations of earth's deceptions
but the higher lessons witnessed in God's effulgence,
thus to behold the glow of that eldritch eastern star,
herald of Jesus' nativity, Light in the flesh.

That event was once and not to be repeated,
yet for those whose receptive hearts wander wearily
among the darkly lighted trails and travails of mortality
the promise of that holy dawn blesses all eternally.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Is Your Life Complete?

        Some months ago we saw a documentary about Mahatma Gandhi when something the narrator said jumped out at me:  Gandhi, he said, would tell his fellow Hindus, "Unless you study reverentially all the teachings of Jesus, your life will be incomplete."

        So powerful are these teachings, I couldn't  help thinking about the lives of those Indians who were transformed as something Jesus said took roots in their thought.

        My life would certainly not be complete without God's Word.  Life would be lacking joy and peace, and a sense of divine power with which to overcome difficulties that arise.  How have these heavenly sayings impacted my life for good?  How have they not been an influence for good?

        If you have not done so, get a Bible with Christ's words marked in red and begin a thoughtful reading.  You cannot imagine the wonderful things that will happen in your life.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Whose Glory?

When the tempter said he ought

To pursue aims for himself,

Jesus put this evil out of thought.

For our Master was here,

As are you and I,

To be about the Father's business,

To see that God on high

Gets all the glory.

To be right with God,

To keep to the path Jesus trod,

It's good now and then

To ask ourselves,

Am I doing what I'm doing,

That God may get the glory, or --

For personal homage?

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Winter Joy

On a yellow tag
identifying variety
of shrub just planted
were these words:
"Winter Joy"

a season  full of delights --
crisp, cold days
hot chocolate with
lots of whipped cream
starry nights
woodsmoke in the air
walks with dogs in countryside

But leaving love of nature aside,
there is something much higher:

We are Christ's,
and Christ is God's
Awesome thought!
That we are His

Is this not joy of the highest --
God-given/unfading/ours forever?

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Sharing the Good News

        It is such a privilege to be able to share good news through this blog,  I can think of nothing more beneficial to readers than the mention of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. This book written by Mary Baker Eddy has done wonders for thousands of people through the years because some kind neighbor or co-worker or family member told of what Christian Science had done for them.

        Recently I was reading the testimonies of healing at the back of the book, 100 pages of the most inspiring accounts of those who had no where else to turn in many cases and were given up as un-healable by the medical profession.  Had it not been for someone bringing this book and its healing truths to their attention, they might well as gone on for years suffering.

        My own mother is a case in point:  she had suffered for many years for a physical problem, an inner ear disturbance kind doctors had tried and failed to alleviate.  One day a neighbor seeing her challenges with two small children to care for came to visit.  She mentioned what this book had done for her and that my mother might find it helpful.  Well, she went to a Christian Science Reading Room and got a copy.  She was only part-way through when she was freed, once and for all, from this problem.  As you can imagine, her joy was unbounded.  She turned away from medicine, of which she had plenty, and enrolled my brother and me in the Sunday School. 

        Other instances I know about was a man who was confined to his bed, unable to even take a drive with his parents.  A neighbor told of this book and that it might help. The book was procured, he began reading, said his healing was not fast, but eventually it came.  And it would have been a difficult thing to find a more energetic, healthy man with a very full life.  He was so grateful to God for what had been done for him, he entered the full-time public practice and for many decades helped others find Christ healing through Christian Science.

        I could go on and on.  But you get the point.  And you just might be one of these individuals ready to investigate a book that could transform your health and set  you free.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

On Choosing Lowliness

If the mighty meekness our Master
In his own life exemplified,
Lived, in ours, will keep us
Less responsive to the prince of this world
From avoidable unhappiness free,
Then let us our daily asking be,
Give me, O God, more humility --
That true humility Jesus showed.
Doesn't he seem at times
To be almost hiding himself,
Never trying to be a "star,"
Wanting invariably instead
To see his Father glorified?
So let us choose life's "lowest room,"*
Be unpretentious in what we do and are.
It is this not seeking things for ourselves,
Living to honor not us but Him,
That keeps us from  the pride
That makes of life
Not His heaven, but a hell;
That enables us to walk the Christly path,
Touching other lives perhaps
More widely than we can tell.

(*see Luke 14:7-11)

Monday, October 23, 2017

What God Does For Us

Our heavenly Father does for us
 no one else can. do.
The things He brings us through --
Bodily disorders of all descriptions,
Tormenting fears of many things,
For those times we don't know
what we're going to do,
gives us just the right answers,
Healing of injuries we know about,
Calls too close to be aware.
Forget to be grateful?
Do we dare
when His Son was
always thanking Him,
And commended that leper
who turned back "to give God the glory"?
On top of this, our loving Father
has enclosed us in Himself permanently.

Given all this,
       can He be
                             loved enough?

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Overcoming Envy

        A college student I know likes her life just fine--until a more talented, and/or better-looking girl appears on the scene.  Then feelings of comparison, envy, and depression roll in, eroding her self-confidence.

        My friend is not alone.  Many people have a struggle not to feel envious of the success and accomplishments of others.

        Christ Jesus addressed this problem in his parable of the prodigal son, in which the older son begrudged the good things that the father bestows on the repentant younger brother.  The father's words of assurance to his jealous son point to a vital spiritual truth of God and man that can be helpful to the person dealing with envy.  He says, "Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine." (Luke 15:31)

        Christian Science, which follows the teachings of the Master, helps us see that man's actual being is made  in God's likeness, is the spiritual, eternal offspring of God.  So man is in full possession of every Godlike quality essential to joy, dominion, purpose, and fulfillment.  These are not gifts occasionally bestowed on certain individuals by a heavenly Father who loves some more than others.  They are bestowed on all God's creation impartially.  "Love is impartial and universal in its adaptation and bestowals" Mary Baker Eddy writes on page 13 of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. 
        For the person beset by feelings of inadequacy and envy, the knowledge of his completeness as the child of God--endowed with just as much ability to reflect God's all-encompassing nature as any of His children--brings freedom from the misery of unfulfilled hopes and unnecessary comparisons. It awakens one to realize that all the good one can possibly need for happiness and well-being is already his; that God, divine Mind, is forever expressing Himself in man.  The prophet says of God's purpose for each one of us.  "This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise." (Isaiah 43:21)

        Instead of wasting precious time envying the good other people do, how much more rewarding it is--for ourselves and for mankind--to get busy expressing our own unique spiritual purpose.  Accepting the fact that God created us to show forth His nature, and recognizing that as His image we reflect unlimited ability, inspires us to develop to the full our God-given potential.

        If, then, we're struggling with feelings of envy, we might consider these two Bible-based spiritual truths:  (1)  Our true selfhood is God's perfect expression, inseparable from His eternal, all-encompassing care and therefore already in possession of all good.  (2)  Our purpose is to manifest God's attributes in continuous, satisfying activity.

        Understanding these potent truths, striving to develop our own God-bestowed abilities and individuality, we'll find ourselves no longer cast down by the thought of another's accomplishments but rather feeling satisfied and complete.


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Getting Along - Jesus' Way

Okay, so the other guy started it,
And you're going to finish it.
While giving it right back to him
May be satisfying, for a time,
Don't do it.
Returning evil for evil
Is like putting Miracle Grow
On your flowerbeds.
There's a better way to
Get along with people --
The way God expects.
"Love your enemies, bless them
That curse you, do good to them
That hate you, and pray for them
Which despitefully use you,
And persecute you"
Our blessed Master said.
        (Matthew 5:44)
Doing what the Prince of Peace
says to do never fails;
It stops strife in its tracks,
Leaves everyone better off.
Even makes a friend where
An enemy seemed to be.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

A Profitable Study

(My last blog mentioned the wonderful proofs of God's healing power found at the end of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.  Following is one such experience found on pages 694 through 696)

        It may help others to know that some one was really healed of severe illness through Christian Science.  It is over nine years since we first becomes interested in the Science, and it would be hard to find a healthier person than I am now.  I can go all day from morning till night, upheld by the thought that "they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." I can truly say that I scarcely know what physical weariness is any more.  Before I came into Science the physicians said that one lung was gone, and the other was affected with tuberculosis, so, from their standpoint, there was little left for me to hope for.  We had tried every remedy that they had suggested. I had gone to the mountains, but could not stay there on account of the altitude; and when they did not know what to do, they said we would better go to England--that the ocean air would be beneficial.  So we spent three months in the British Isles, and when I came back I seemed much better, but this only lasted a short time.  In little more than a month I was worse than ever, and my mother was told that I had but a few weeks, or at most months, to live.

        At that time, a lady, a stranger to us, suggested that we try Christian Science.  There was no prejudice against it, as we did not even know what it was.  We knew of no Scientists in the Western town where we were living, and when we were told that we could send to Kansas City for absent treatment, we thought it was absurd.  We were then told that many people had been healed through reading of the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health, and to us this seemed a little worse than  the absent treatment, but as we had tried everything we had heard of up that time, mother sent for the book.

        It came in the middle of October and we began to read it together.  It seemed to me from the first that it was something had always believed, but did not know how to express--it seemed such a natural thing. My improvement was very gradual, but I felt I was recovering.  After the Christmas holidays I started in at school and went the whole term without missing a day,--something I had never done before.  I finished my school course without missing a day--in fact, I have not spent a day in bed since that time.  I feel absolutely certain that I have two sound,  healthy lungs  now. The hollows in my chest have filled out, and I breathe perfectly on both sides; rarely have cold to meet, and have not a sign of a cough.

        People sometimes say, "Oh, well, maybe you never had consumption."  Well, I had all the symptoms, and they are every one gone through the reading of Science Health.

E.L.B.  Chicago, Ill.


Monday, September 25, 2017

You don't have to be ill

        The following is shared with those readers who are not familiar with the teachings of Christian Science, to offer new hope and solid help in obtaining health.

        The other day at the grocery store, I happened to hear one woman telling another about a report she had just seen in a magazine.  According to her, on any given day in North America alone, millions of people suffer with ill health.

        I couldn't help thinking about a remedy that is always available--one that does not involve an operation or dependence on prescription  drugs.

        The remedy I'm talking about is the healing power of Christianity that Jesus practiced and that is explained in Christian Science.  Its teachings make practical the divine method of deliverance referred to in Christ Jesus' words "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."  (John 8:32)  The study of divine Science shows us how to heal from a purely metaphysical standpoint, through following the Master's example.

        As one studies this Science with a humble, open mind, with consecration, the way of healing through spiritual means becomes clear.  It is important to realize that what one refers to as a physical condition is actually the objectification of thought.  And so as one purifies, or spiritualizes, his thinking, it naturally follows the that body becomes more harmonious.

        Because our body is an expression of our thought, the great need is for a change of mental standpoint.  Through prayer we gain a correct, spiritual view of man as the image of God.  In other words, we begin to realize that sickness of any kind is not a part of our real selfhood made in God's likeness. The spiritual concept of man is basic, and this is why it is helpful to go back time and again to the Bible record that man is made in God' image.  Accepting hat God is perfect spirit, as the Bible teaches, we realize that the creations of Spirit can only be spiritual, perfect.  And this is the reality of our being, despite appearances to the contrary.

        Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, write in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures:  "Become conscious for a single moment that Life and intelligence are purely spiritual,--neither in nor of matter,--and the body will then utter no complaints.  If suffering from a belief in sickness,  you will find yourself suddenly well."  (S&H, page 14)

        The last one hundred pages of Science and Health are devoted to healings that resulted from studying this book. Among those wonderful experiences, a reader can see that Christian Science has lifted countless thousands out of painful physical conditions.

        As one learns that man, created in God's own image, is the perfect expression of the one divine Mind, it becomes clear that man must be spiritual and harmonious--that he cannot, in reality, be impaired in any way.  He must function perfectly because he is governed by the one God.  No matter  how real it appears to be, infirmity has no true existence in God's sight, because made it.

        The need is not to ignore ill health, but to turn thought away from the view of man as material and diseased and toward the understanding that he is actually spiritual and perfect right now, untouiched by suffering.

        As the Holy Bible promises us, "I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord." (Jeremiah 30:17)

Thursday, September 14, 2017

The One Only Way

"I've never once felt close to God"
A friend confided recently --
An amazing thing to hear
For those of us who do,
Could this be the problem,
That she, like so many others
Are trying to find peace and joy
While leaving Christ Jesus out,
Whose essential role they doubt
(If they even think about it at all?)
God does want His children
To feel close to Him,
To have all the good He has to give
But the path there is one --
The one given us all
By His beloved Son.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life:
No man cometh unto the Father,
           But by me"
said our Lord and Master dear
             (John 14:6)

Loving and living what Jesus said,
We can't help feeling our
heavenly Father's presence,
His indescribable love for us.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Don't Despair

        In telling his disciples about conditions that would come to pass, Christ Jesus spoke of "men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth."  (Luke 21:26)

        Many people, observing present world conditions, may be ready to conclude that these days must surely be upon us.  They feel overwhelmed at times.  They say, "What next?!  Many lose heart.

        This, however, is the thing one should not do when faced with disheartening circumstances.  When Jesus warned men of eventual upheaval, he also offered a way of escape. "When these things begin to come to pass," he counseled, "then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."  (Luke 21:28)

        One's redemption or salvation from fear and despair can come as soon as one progresses in his understanding of God's government of man and the universe.  To those in search of renewed hope and courage Christian Science offers this view of reality:  man and the universe spiritually created.  It shows one how to indeed look up, through enlightened prayer, to find God's ever-present, comforting help.  Through the study and application of Christian Science, countless individuals the world over have found and are finding that there is no problem too overwhelming for God to solve.

        Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, writes in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (page 390):  "It is our ignorance of God, the divine Principle, which produces apparent discord, and the right understanding of Him restores harmony."  Problems seem hopeless only if we think of man as separated from God, left to find for himself in a material, somewhat mysterious universe controlled by amoral forces.  But Christian Science teaches that man is spiritual, perfect, the expression of God, inseparable from God, loved by God, protected by God, secure in God.  And the same spiritual laws that enabled Jesus to heal and regenerate men are available to everyone today.

        The basis of Jesus' unfailing ability to subdue difficulties of every description was his practical understanding of divine law, his consciousness of man's spiritual relationship to God.  God, good, governs all things harmoniously, and the divine government is reflected in our daily lives.  When we realize that the divine Mind is continuously maintaining all in spiritual harmony and perfection, we can begin to see there is no hopeless condition out there, no insoluble problem, no need to feel overwhelmed by world events.

        Knowing that all-powerful God is govern His creation keeps hope and confidence intact, lifted above distressing material conditions.  There is never any need to despair, for God is the only reality.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Never Out of God's Care

        Because of the Bible's assurances that God, divine Love, is an ever-present, unfailing help in trouble, we can turn in complete confidence to Him. No matter what situation we may find ourselves in, God's help is always at hand, even--or more accurately, especially--when the need is urgent.

        Christ Jesus taught us the inseparability of man from God.  We're able to see the effects of this truth as we put our trust in God's all-powerful care. As Jesus said, "He that sent me is with me:  the Father hath not left me alone." Nor does our loving Father ever left you and me alone or desolate.

        Knowing that man is God's child, wholly spiritual and safe in the care of his creator, regardless of how desperate things may seem to be, the Master was able to overcome all difficulties.  And Jesus' works bring to light the fact that man can't be apart from God for a moment.  Through understanding that our real being is spiritual, and turning to God for a way out of trouble, each one of us can know the comforting assurance of divine Love's care under all circumstances.

        Our true selfhood, as the outcome of Spirit, God, is spiritual, not material.  Thus our real identity is not at the mercy of human circumstances.  The divine fact is that you and I are God's child, and we can never, for an instant, be deprived of our Father's loving help.  We're never really apart from our divine source, God.  As God's man, we are and always have been preserved by His unerring laws of safety and exemption from harm.  Such divine facts give us the authority and confidence we need to prevail over difficulties.

        We have Christ Jesus to thank for revealing and proving fully the Father's constant love for His children.  And when we're empowered with the spiritual truths Jesus knew about God and man, we can prove for ourselves that we are never out of His wonderful care.


Sunday, August 20, 2017


(Something I recently emailed to someone I was helping in Christian Science.  Thoughts to go with one of you possibly as you go about your evening or daytime activities.)

        God has made you in His image and likeness,

             and He has maintained you this way.

        What more could our loving Father do?

        Accept this as the trusting, uncomplicated

                           child of His

                          that you are.  

Ashamed of Jesus? God forbid!

"Not me", you may be saying.

And you may be right.

But one can think he's obeying

What God expects, and not be.

Inattentiveness to what Jesus

Demanded of those who follow

Can be unbelievably subtle.

Christians there are in name only,

(One hesitates to give them that much)

Who without realizing it

Have moved our dear Master

Off the cover of their life

To the inside pages.

Jesus is not first, as He deserves,

But secondary to so much

Of little or no importance.

You and I then need to stay alert,

And not be robbed of God's unspeakable gift.

If you think the carnal mind

that hates Christ Jesus

and hates those who love Him

want us to have this treasure,

guess again.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Christ Gives Us the Victory, Always


       (Written for a friend who feels she's having a rough time right now.)

       We who have named the Name of Christ  may feel we're in a battle at times.  And so we will be, in a sense.  But we're not alone in this.  Most, if not all, the shining lights that have gone before us went through the same thing.  But they stood with Christ and were brought to a lasting victory.  So will you and I, if we take to heart what our Saviour says about God's unfailing, everpresent  love for us.  Jesus, never someone to waste words, had this to say about what is coming at us, that it's from the devil, the father of lies.  And we must not believe what he is telling us about us.

         Say to God, I will trust the words You gave Your Son to give the world.  I will not doubt the immense power behind these words to deliver us from whatever comes at us. The false suggestions will cease, as they always do.  As they always will.  The blessings this brings are beyond most of to imagine.

         Then we will find ourselves saying, "Thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Kansas School Teacher: Only Months to Live

        This young woman was happily teaching school in a small town in Kansas when she contracted tuberculosis.  At first, her father who was a doctor, tried to treat her successfully.  But he wasn't able to cure her, so she was taken to a nearby sanatorium for rest and hopefully a cure.

        However, it wasn't long before the verdict came in:  they gave her at most six more months to live.  It was at this critical point in her life that something quite unexpected happened.  One day a lady in the town who knew of her situation came to visit.  She happened to be a Christian Scientist, and she told my friend of the many cures being brought about by the truths in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.  My friend said at once, "Oh, give me the book that can do that for me!" A copy of this book was brought to her which she began reading, night and day.  And the wonderful thing about this, she walked out of that facility completely and permanently free of the TB.

        Not only this, she was on fire to help others gain the freedom and good health God had brought her.  She spent the next six decades in the public practice of her new religion, taking thousands of cases needing help.  Her dedicated work in Tulsa, Oklahoma reached way beyond that city and state, and impacted the lives of people all over the world who called on her for help. 

        I met this woman many years later and was fortunate to have her help at times while growing up.    More than once, I phoned her for prayerful Christian Science treatment or went to see her with this or that problem.  I was always restored.  Healed when healing of a physical difficulty was needed.  And sometimes the need was urgent.

        Christ Jesus said:  "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."  The divine truths as contained in Science and Health certainly did this for my friend.  And it is still doing this today.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Grateful Daughter

All those who trust  God,
How He does bless.
As for me,
I must confess,
The overflowing good
He gladly does bestow,
leaves me in gratitude awash,
So much so,
that each day I say,
(and sometimes
several times a day)
"Thank You, dear loving Father."

And more than once
I have said,
"You may have a daughter somewhere
who is more grateful to You than I am."

"But I doubt it",
I always add.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

God's Help Always Available

                                                    By John Wellsman

                     (As my readers may know, John is a dear friend who lives in Arizona)

        During my study of Christian Science, I have found tremendous inspiration in the writings of early workers in the Christian Science movement.  Particularly the writings of individuals who were privileged to interface directly wit the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy in her home on a daily basis.  One such individual in particular is Martha Wilcox who served Mrs. Eddy in her home in Brookline, MA and went on to become a teacher of Christian Science for almost 40 years.

        One recent occasion I was awakened in the middle of the night aware of some serious mental discomfort.  As I prayed earnestly to regain harmonious control over my thoughts I was led to consider a passage from the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy (p. 536:8)  "The divine understanding reigns, is all, and there is no other consciousness."  As I pondered that passage, the word "understanding" stood out to me.  Very soon I recalled reading in material from Martha Wilcox elaborating on what she referred to as "Fundamentals of Christian Science" where she discusses in depth man's relationship to God.  She referenced Mrs. Eddy's statement in Science and Health (p. 202:3) "The scientific unity which exists between God and man must be wrought in life practice, and God's will must be universally done."

        Mrs. Wilcox goes on to explain that there are four words used in Mrs. Eddy's writings that when studied and pondered help to improve our conception of the "scientific unity which exists between God and man."  The words she refers to are: "idea", "understanding", "awareness" and "realization".  For example, with the word "idea" we need to understand that God's idea of Himself is man and that we need to progress to the point where we see that man is not a separate idea that has ideas on its own about something, but rather that man is idea, God's idea, etc. of Himself.

       In the past, as I pondered these four words and their exemplification of our relationship to God, I had begun to see that I couldn't continue to think of myself as a separate mortal struggling to get a better understanding but that since I was actually God's own understanding of Himself I needed to approach my prayerful work by claiming that unity as a present fact.  In short, I already not only had understanding, I was that understanding God was being.  To get a better grasp of this concept, I spent some time with dictionary and thesaurus considering both the definitions of these words as well as other words with the same meaning.

        However on the particular occasion referred to above, as I prayed it became clear to me that I could actually substitute each of these other three words and some of their synonyms in Mrs. Eddy's statement from Science and Health on page 536.  For example:  "The divine idea reigns, is all, and there is no other concept."  Or, "the divine awareness reigns, is all, and there is no other cognizance."  Or, "the divine realization reigns, is all, and there is no other actuality."  All of these statements are, I think, metaphysically accurate and as I pondered them and their truth I began to have a much clearer concept of my own "scientfic unity" with God.  Within a fairly short time I was aware of a much clearer sense of God's everpresence and my relationship to Him.  Peace returned to my thought.  I was able to go back to sleep for the remainder of the night and awoke the next morning both refreshed and still cherishing this enhanced sense of my relationship to God.

        I am indeed grateful for the privilege of being able to study Christian Science.


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Sickness Can Be Prevented

        It was a very hot day.  And when I noticed the man who was here to examine our sprinkler system for the water department standing under the shade of our magnolia tree, I thought nothing about it.  But after a while, I realized something might be amiss.  So, I went out and asked if he needed a cup of cold water, or wanted to come into the kitchen to get cool for a while.  "Thank you, no, ma'm", this nice black man said who we knew from his coming around for several years. 

        I went in, but he didn't leave.  So, I went out again and took some water anyway.  He seemed thankful to have it.  Then he opened up with, "I don't feel well at all."  What followed was a sad story.  He had consulted several doctors about his problem, and they had recommended he go to yet another doctor for more tests.  They didn't know what the recurring difficulty might be.  "I have so many medical bills, take so much medicine every day", he shared with me.  "I feel overwhelmed at times."

        While I didn't talk to him about spiritual truths, I was certainly knowing what is true about God's man--every one of us.  He said, "I think I'll just stand here a bit."  I stayed with him awhile longer.  Then he said "I feel a little better.  I can get to my truck now".

        This incident made me so grateful for Christian Science, that teaches sickness can be prevented, that one doesn't have to rely on human means for health being that God is an everpresent help whatever the problem.

        No one need feel helpless when symptoms of disease appear.  Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, points out something we can do to maintain sound health. She writes in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures:  "Stand porter at the door of thought.  Admitting only such conclusions as you wish realized in bodily results, you will control yourself harmoniously.  When the condition is present which you say induces disease, whether it be air, exercise, heredity, contagion, or accident, then perform your office as porter and shut out these unhealthy thoughts and fears.  Exclude from mortal mind the offending errors; then the  body cannot suffer from them."  (p. 392)

        Christian Science, in accord with the Bible, teaches that God is the only genuine cause, the sole creator of the universe, including man, and that the true nature of creation is spiritual, wholly good, expressing God's nature.  From the standpoint of absolute truth, all cause and effect are spiritual, and all is the perfect handiwork of God, divine Spirit.

        When a person learns that thought affects every aspect of his life, he sees the necessity of replacing fearful, sickly thoughts with spiritual truths that uplift, transform, and keep one whole.  No matter what others may be falsely believing about sickness and ill health, we don't have to abjectly surrender our peace and harmony, but may instead exercise our God-given power over suffering.

        Because you and I are actually the reflection of infinite, harmonious Spirit, and we include only those qualities Spirit imparts--peace, joy, health, dominion--the suffering and fear that may seem so real have no genuine power over us.  They are misconceptions, false beliefs, not actual God-created conditions.  And being misconceptions, they can be corrected with the truth of man's inseparable relationship to God, of his uninterrupted well-being as God's reflection.  This truth heals.

        Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health: "The fact that Truth overcomes both disease and sin reassures depressed  hope.  It imparts a healthy stimulus to the body, and regulates the system.  It increases or diminishes the action, as the case may require, better than any drug, alterative, or tonic."  p. 420

        Empowered with the Christly understanding of Truth, we can demonstrate the fact that sickness can be prevented.  We can experience what the Bible promises:  "The Lord will take away from thee all sickness."  (Deuteronomy 7:15)


Sunday, July 16, 2017

What do Christ's words do for us?

The better question might be,
What do these words not do?
The words our Master gave us
Do more for us than
we can possibly imagine.

Let me give you a first-hand account:
Christ's words have --
Healed me,
Made me more loving,
Removed fears,
Given me the courage
to please God rather than people,
Opened channels for
greater usefulness to others,
Simplified my life greatly,
Freed me from unnecessary social obligations,
Given me calmness
in trying circumstances,
Brought lovely friendships
with those who love and live
what Jesus taught.

I could go on and on and on,
but as I said at the outset,
what do Jesus' words not do for us?

Keep the love flowing

Would you like to have

The good health that

 God wants us to have?

Don't we all?

Then keep the love flowing,

Keep it alive in thought,

Let it fill your heart,

And flow out to all you meet

And those you may never greet.

Love is the essential thing,

Love for God and man.

This Christian Science teaches,

This Christ Jesus preaches,

          Believe you me,

             It heals.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Why We're Here

What it's all about

Is not something

Most people think about,

         I suppose.

But we're here for a reason.

Be in no doubt,

We all have a purpose,

A God-given purpose --

To love and obey Him,

To do all the good we can

To our fellow beings.

In sum:

To live the kind of life

Christ Jesus pointed out.

Nothing could be more fulfilling.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Free From Feeling Inferior

        Cyndi came to do some housework for us once a week.  And one day she saw me at my desk reading a book. Curious, she asked about it. I told her it was Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.  She knew nothing about it, or the religion my husband and I were involved with.  So I told her a little of what it taught and of our experiences in practicing it.

        She asked if she could borrow the book.  I had an extra copy, so gladly gave it to her.  Over the next few weeks, she would say, I'm reading a little each day and finding some brand new thoughts in it.

        Then one day she telephoned on a day that wasn't her regular time to clean.  There was such excitement in her voice.  She had come to page 89 in this book where Mary Baker Eddy writes:  "Mind is not necessarily dependent upon educational processes.  It possesses of itself all beauty and poetry, and the power of expressing them."  Cyndi couldn't stop reading and thinking about these words, she told me. They had opened up a whole new world to her.

        Being someone of very little formal schooling, she had felt inferior all her life.  She had yearned to express herself better, wanted to be more active in her Baptist church, but never felt she was educated enough to try to.

        Just above the words that turned her thinking about herself when she came over.  Mrs. Eddy is talking about a person who says, "I am incapable of words that glow for I am uneducated.  If one believes that he cannot be an orator without study or a superinduced condition, the body responds to this belief, and the tongue grows mute which before was eloquent."

        Cyndi's life was different from this time on.  The change was noticeable to many people. Self-expression came much more confidently.  This was one happy, dear Christian girl.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A Christian Science Healing

        My friend Jennifer, who lives in Arizona, shared the following healing with me, and I'm delighted to share it with you...

        I wish to express my gratitude for an experience I had earlier this year.  In late February I was confronted with a very uncomfortable physical situation that made it difficult to go about my daily tasks.  I was extremely tired and sometimes in a great deal of pain.  This went on for 2-3 weeks.  The first week I wasn't even able to read or study.  I had help for several days from a Christian Science Practitioner, and gradually was able to read and study by myself.  When I realized that I had been healed, I also realized that for the first time in probably three years I have more strength, stamina, as well as joy.  For some time I have been studying with the synonyms for God, especially Love.        Friends have noticed how much more active I've been.

        I'm very grateful for Mary Baker Eddy and her wonderful gift to the world of Christian Science.

Monday, June 26, 2017

God's Rightful Place

"I'm an atheist",

This acquaintance said.

And proud of it, it would seem.

Sad to hear for those

 Of us who aren't.

Her life is not what it could be,

Things go awry,

Though she does try

To make things work.

How much better it would be

If she gave God His rightful place.

Eventually, perhaps soon,

She may change her tune,

Be willing at last to face

What awaits us all.

No one is ever so far away

From Him who is ever near,

Who loves us all, His very own,

That we can't change our course,

And to our loving Father give

What He richly deserves.

It is the smartest, the best,

The only way to live.


Saturday, June 17, 2017

O Glorious Solitude

How one can prefer society's noise

To solitude's tranquillity

Is more than I can comprehend,

I who would know Him better

Hear what He yearns to say.

How can such wondrous things,

Things that Jesus knew,

Open up heaven for us

While in a crowd of people;

People who talk when

They have nothing to say,

Who go on and on

And never know when to end?

It's indisputable --

Hearing our loving Father

And mindless garrulity

Are incompatible.

Give me a soulful quiet,

And possible a companion

(Or two or three of the

Furry and four-legged kind)

Who blend with blessed silence.

Why Put Up With Poor Health?

        Why, when there is a way to combat poor health.  And this without having to depend upon medication.  That way is the healing power of Christianity that Christ Jesus practiced.  His words, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" point to the naturalness of healing from a purely metaphysical standpoint as he did. They point to unchanging divine law, which anyone can turn to with certainty.

        Through the study of Christian Science, we're helped to see what that healing truth is, the truth found in the Bible's pages.  There we learn that God is omnipotent and entirely good and that man is the image of God.  As the likeness of his creator, man forever expresses the divine nature.  And because God is Spirit, man is spiritual.  To be sure, we appear to be merely flesh and bones and subject to suffering.  But physicality isn't the actual or ultimate substance of our true being.  Life in the flesh is a misconception of man, whose real identity as the image of God is incorporeal, untouched by debilitating physical conditions.

        The growing understanding of man's spiritual nature has a purifying effect on the body.  It awakens us to the everpresence of Christ, Truth--of the divine healing influence--and the body responds to this uplifting influence.  Good health is then experienced.

        Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered and founded Christian Science, writes in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: "To ignore God as of little use in sickness is a mistake.  Instead of thrusting Him aside in times of bodily trouble, and waiting for the hour of strength in which to acknowledge Him, we should learn that He can do all things for us in sickness as in health."

        You and I have a God-given right not only to enjoy sound health but to recover it through spiritual means when it is threatened.  Jesus has furnished us with a precedent, indicating that as we follow his example we can learn what God is and how to avail ourselves of His power.

        The Bible is full of assurances of God's healing help.  These are not empty promises.  They come to life for us in clear-cut healing when we are equipped with practical knowledge of God's eternal law of harmony and of our relationship to Him.  Empowered with the Christ understanding that a study of Christian Science brings, we can turn to God for every aspect of our well-being, including health, proving to our own satisfaction and joy, "The Lord will take away from thee all sickness."

Thursday, June 8, 2017

A Good Read

                                                     John Robert Howell

        Genesis 1:27 states:  "God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him."  It is worth noting that the Hebrew word here for "man" is "Adam".  In Genesis 12:7 man is said to be formed of the dust of the ground, and that "man" is also "adam".  Around this fleshly axle theological material mindedness and slavish literalness to the text have been wrapped and tangled for over two millennia.

        Without Mary Baker Eddy and her glorious Discovery, we might never have known better.  Her inspired and inspiring definition on pages 475-477* of her Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures is alone worth the cost of the volume.  Students of Christian Science are thus blessed with a knowledge that the man of our heavenly Father God's creating is something much more glorious than the descendants of a couple of wardrobeless sinners cavorting about the Garden of Eden.

*Let me quote from some of the passages in Science and Health:

"Question. -- What is man?

"Answer. -- Man is not matter; he is not made up of brain, blood, bones, and other material elements.  The Scriptures inform us that man is made in the image and likeness of God.  Matter is not that likeness.  The likeness of Spirit cannot be so unlike Spirit.  Man is spiritual and perfect; and because he is spiritual and perfect, he must be so understood in Christian Science.  Man is idea, the image, of Love; he is not physique."

"The real man cannot depart from holiness, nor can God, by whom man is evolved, engender the capacity or freedom to sin.  A mortal sinner is not God's man.  Mortals are the counterfeits of immortals.  They are the children of the wicked one, or the one evil, which declares that man begins in dust or as a material embryo.  In divine Science, God and the real man are inseparable as divine Principle and idea."

"When speaking God's children, not the children of men, Jesus said, 'The kingdom of God is within you;' that is, Truth and Love reign in the real man, showing that man in God's image is unfallen and eternal. Thus Jesus taught that the kingdom of God is intact, universal, and that man is pure and holy."

Monday, June 5, 2017

What Keeps Us Safe?

How to be safe
In times like these --
That is the question.
Surround ourselves with
A security detail?
Even this could fail.
No, there's one sure way.
Do what Christ Jesus did,
Look to God to keep us safe,
To see we're never harmed.
We're always armed
When we trust in Him.
For divine fact is,
God is with us
In everything we do.
Whether night or day,
At home or when away.
A faith-lighted thought this is --
That our loving Father
Is never apart from us.
Is this not glorious? --
That His care does surround,
His loving arms are around
All those we love,
Beside them always, above --
And not only ones we greet,
But those we may never meet.
God with us -- what a treasure.
Its comfort beyond all measure.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

A Life Made New

        The New Testament has, among so many glorious statements, this one:  "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:  old things are passed away; behold, all things become new."

         The young man who mows our lawn is a shining example of this.  One Christmas recently, he and his wife came to have dinner with us.  She had prepared special Mayan dishes and as we were finishing eating, this man said:  "I'm not the man I once was."  We were not expecting what came next.  Apparently when he first came to this area, he went to bars, got in fights, drank heavily.  And sadly, was arrested more than once.

        Well, this one night in jail he happened to pick up a Spanish New Testament someone had left.  He came across something Christ Jesus says, and his life was transformed then and there, he told us.  Whatever the particular words were, he couldn't stop thinking about them.  When he got out of jail, his life was new. Stopped drinking, got a job, began speaking to others about what Jesus' words had done for him.  And every bit of time he can spare from his lawn care work, which he needs to pay his rent, etc. he gives to spreading the Good News, as he calls it.

        We knew nothing of his former life, of course.  And you could not find a more reliable, sweet, hard-working, honest person than he is.  This just goes to show how transforming are our Master's teachings.  Thank God for them.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

What Jesus Knew

Knowing what Jesus knew --

Does this not make thought soar

                  Beyond trivialities,


Knowledge already here,

God-given Discovery

Available in a book*

Truths made clear

  For all to see.

Finding out what Jesus knew --

Of all earth's fleeting pleasures

Nothing appeals to me more.

*"Science and Health with
           Key to the Scriptures"
                      By Mary Baker Eddy

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Honest Truth

        Some years ago a friend who was a student of Christian Science, as I was and still am, said to me:  "Remember, it's the absolute Truth that redeems us."  What did he mean by this?  That the God-given Truths Christ Jesus gave the world, and the Truth the teachings of Christian Science reiterate, are what redeem us.  Redeem us from what?  From the false, mortal sense of existence as apart from God, and being in matter.

        And how grateful I am to the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, that the divine facts given in her master work, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" not only have transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands over the years, all over the world, but they continue to do so.

        Instead of watering down what God gave her to give mankind, she writes in the Preface to this work:  "The author has not compromised conscience to suit the general drift of thought, but has bluntly and honestly given the text of Truth.  She has made no effort to embellish, elaborate, or treat in full detail so infinite a theme. By thousands of well-authenticated cases of  healing, she and her students have proved the worth of her teachings."

        I and so many others are the beneficiaries of the honest Truth found in her book.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Between a Rock and a Hard Place?

When we find ourselves there
and we can't see a way through,
we can look in God's direction.
He always knows what to do.

Can anything that comes up
in our day to day
baffle the Creator of all?
No, never.  He can clear the way.

"In all thy ways acknowledge him
       and he shall direct
              thy paths"
    we are told in Proverbs.

Doing this will bring solutions
we, unaided, just cannot see.
Then let us, dear Lord,
be turning ever more to Thee.   

Monday, May 1, 2017

Christ-Healing Requires Christly Love

        People will pray to God to heal them of some difficulty.  But do they fulfill their part by loving as His Son did and taught others to do?

        This is what our loving, heavenly Father expects of us.  And what Christ Jesus makes abundantly clear in his teachings.  For instance, the thirteenth chapter of John contains these words of Jesus:  "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another." 

        Christly loving of our fellow beings is the basis for spiritual healing, as the life of our Master demonstrated.  His healings exemplified the nature of God as tender, understanding Love, who knows what we have need of before we ask Him.  Christ-healing is based on this knowledge of God and man, and faith in and understanding of divine Love constitute the healing power of all prayer in Christian Science.

        While there are probably many reasons why we are sometimes less loving than we would like to  be, one thing is certain, we all can express more Christly affection.  They study and practice of Christian Science bring increased spiritual insights that lead to an increase in spiritual love.  This religion shows that as God's expression, His image and likeness, we have the ability to love; it is natural to each one of us.  Understanding this encourages us to see our fellow beings as they truly are--as God's man, the perfect, sinless, pure, loving reflection of God.  This is the real spiritual identity of each one of us.  And no matter how ungodlike someone may seem to be, we can know that right there is God's perfect, spiritual child.

        This recognition enables us to feel more healing, compassion toward others.  Why?  Because in the consciousness where Christly love predominates, the divine is embracing the human.  And this actually causes our hearts to change in a wonderful, tangible way.  As we make earnest and consistent efforts to "put off the old man" (to use St. Paul's phrase), we find ourselves, to our joy and delight, feeling something of the warmth and tenderness that animated Jesus.  We feel the restorative, healing Christ surrounding us and those we deal with.  This helps us to see through limiting, spiritually unenlightened views of our ourselves and others that would keep kind words unspoken and loving deeds undone.

        Some people may feel at times that there is something a little weak about being warm and loving--something that strong, self-reliant people just don't do.  But think about Jesus.  Where have we ever had an example of a more courageous yet tenderhearted person?  Having a heart that overflowed with love didn't interfere with  his moral courage or healing power or dynamic spirituality one bit.

        To be caring, and loving toward others can demand great spiritual stamina at times.  But even if we have to pace the floors in prayer in order to conform to what the Master requires of us, through the power of Christ we can gain forgiveness and healing love.

        Mary Baker Eddy points out in Miscellaneous Writings, "A little more grace, a motive made pure, a few truths tenderly told, a heart softened, a character subdued, a life consecrated, would restore the right action of the mental mechanism, and make manifest the movement of body and soul in accord with God." 

        Wonderful, healing words to think about here.


Monday, April 17, 2017


                                                  (If the Son shall make you free,
                                                              ye shall be free indeed.)

                                                                      John 8:36

It keeps happening,

I'm happy to say,

When desire to do what

God knows is best

Becomes paramount,

Circumstances change,

Often amazingly fast.

We're removed from places

We no longer need to be.

Things we no longer

Need to do just fall away.

Life becomes simpler, free --

The way our dear Father

Wants it to be.               


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Oportunities Without End

Why accept limited opportunity

     to be and do

what God created His child

     to be and do?

Infinite Mind, God knows

no limitation whatever.

Limited good, or finiteness

has to do with a false, mortal

concept of man only.

To think that endless opportunities for usefulness

                  stretch before us!

                                          "God's being is infinity, freedom,
                                           harmony and boundless bliss."*

                                     And so is that of His reflection, man.

                                                       You and me,

                                                        Forever more.


                                         *"Science and Health with Key to the
                                              Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy


Stamina For Life's Work

        How to work at capacity day after day and not get worn down by it is a question many face these days.  Across the board, people seem to be busier than ever. Can one lead a super demanding life without paying the price in fatigue?

        There is an effective way to combat fatigue.  The teachings of Christian Science, in harmony with the Bible, invite us to learn of God as inexhaustible Spirit, as the one infinite Mind, which is never limited or depleted.  The Bible asks, "Hast thou not known?  hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth  not, neither is weary?"  When we come to realize that man is the very expression of God, made in His likeness, as the Bible teaches, we begin to see a spiritual basis for overcoming weariness.

        Your real identity and mine is not material; it is spiritual, because our creator is Spirit.  This selfhood is characterized by such God-derived qualities as inspiration, energy, strength, and vitality.  It is refreshing to realize that our real nature already includes all these qualities.  And knowing how natural it is for us to express the strength and stamina God imparts can take some of the strain out of work.  It can lift the sense of  burden and heaviness from our day-to-day responsibilities.

        Mary Baker Eddy, ,the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, writes in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, "When we reach out limits of mental endurance, we conclude that intellectual labor has been carried sufficiently far; but when we realize that immortal Mind is ever active, and that spiritual energies can neither wear out nor can so-called material law trespass upon God-given powers and resources, we are able to rest in Truth, refreshed by assurances of immortality, opposed to mortality."

        When duties seem exhausting to us, there is something specific we can do that invigorates more thoroughly than physical rest.  We can affirm in prayer our unity with Mind and insist on our God-given authority over weariness.  This strong stand for the spiritual reality of our being,  held to, invariably brings relief.  Appealing to the law of God, Spirit, inexhaustible Life, overrules belief in the inevitability of fatigue, unfinished projects, and loss of joy in what we're doing.  In fact, turning to God for help will  not only lift weariness; through the freshness divinely imparted we'll have even more energy than usual.

        Something else that will help us maintain a high level of activity and usefulness in our career is expressing humility--the kind of sublime humility that shines through Christ Jesus' words "The Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works."  As our Master illustrated for us in his life and teachings, man's reason for existing is to reflect God, to express the spiritual qualities that constitute his true selfhood and that glorify the creator.  Acknowledging God as the sole source of action, ability, intelligence honors Him, and it does wonders for one's whole experience.  As you and I look to God, exhaustless divine Life, for renewal, energy, support, and stamina, we'll find ourselves demonstrating the staying power we need in order to fulfill a demanding schedule.  And we'll keep our joy and enthusiasm in the process.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Springtime Without the Suffering

        Spring in the American South can be something to see.  Stunning trees and flowers all around.  But for some people, it is a dreaded season of the year.  They think physical suffering and diminished activity must come with all the beauty.

        Someone reading this blog might be interested to learn that there is a way to prevent this. That way is the healing power of Christianity that Christ Jesus practiced. His words, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" point to the naturalness of healing from a purely metaphysical standpoint, as he did. They point to an unchanging divine law, which we can all turn to with certainty.

        Christian Science offers solid help in this direction.  Its teachings have their basis in the Holy Bible.  They bring out that God is the only genuine cause, the sole creator of the universe, including man; that the true nature of creation is spiritual, expressing God's nature, and that from the standpoint of absolute truth, all cause and effect are spiritual, and all is the perfect handiwork of God, divine Spirit.

        In particular, this statement from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy can bring one a reassuring sense of God's healing power:  "Instruct the sick that they are not helpless victims, for if they will only accept Truth, they can resist disease and ward it off, as positively as they can the temptation to sin."  She continues a few lines afterward:  "The fact that Truth overcomes both disease and sin reassures depressed hope.  It imparts a healthy stimulus to the body, and regulates the system.  It increases or diminishes the action, as the case may require, better than any drug, alterative, or tonic."

        We have a God-given right not only to enjoy sound health, but to prevent seasonal suffering through spiritual means. Jesus has furnished us with a precedent, indicating that as we follow his example we can learn what God is and how to avail ourselves of His healing power.

        The Bible is full of assurances of God's. These are not empty promises.  They come to life for us in clear-cut healing when we are equipped with practical knowledge of God's eternal law of harmony and of our relationship to Him.  Empowered with the Christly understanding that a study of Christian Science brings, we can turn to God for every aspect of our well-being, including health. 

        As the Old Testament states:  "I am the Lord that healeth thee." 


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Yea to Blogging

        Just thinking this morning that one of the great things about having a  blog to help the world know God and His Holy Child (or better,t if one already does), is that one can send out what he or she is inspired to write. 

        A writer I admire immensely told about this time someone he knew took exception to what he had written.  "I wouldn't have said that", the friend said.  And what was his reply?  "I must give out what God gives me.  If I didn't, I would be failing in my responsibility to Him."

        Ditto, here.  To think that one can instantly share the inspired thoughts that come without any worry that some people may not approve.  Or would say it differently.  When words are set to go, inspiration must be attended to.  And how wonderful to have the freedom to do so.

        If we listen reverently to what God is inspiring us to write, we have this assurance: He is certainly going to take care of it and see that it goes where it needs to go in the world, and does what it needs to do.

        To think that people in parts of the world we may never visit will be reading what we've blogged and get solid help from it, does it need to get any better than this for a writer?

Saturday, April 1, 2017

The Peace Christ Gives Us

        "Peace I leave with you" Christ Jesus said, "my peace I give unto  you, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."  The number of men and women in the world right now who would give almost anything they own to feel some of this peace in their lives must be off the charts.  Serenity, when we aren't experiencing it, can seem more important than food or drink.  Fortunately, we're never actually in a situation where we can't gain it.

        If you and I want to experience the deep peace the Master promised us and so obviously felt himself, a logical way to begin would be to cultivate the same awareness Jesus had that God is all-powerful and constantly near.

        A life with peace and equilibrium can be gained when we take to heart the Scriptural promises of God's ever-present love for us.  We can learn to trust in Him and actually feel His constant care.  This is a very natural thing to do, actually.  For, as the Bible tells us, we are God's offspring.  Material appearance notwithstanding, He has made you and me spiritually in His own image and likeness, and He is never absent from His children.

        One learns from the teachings of Christian Science that God knows us not as buffeted material beings but as His spiritual reflection, in possession right now of His dominion and peace--the same peace that Jesus manifested and said was ours.  Christ is always at hand to calm any turbulence we may be going through.

        Everything our great Master said and did is worthy of the most careful study.  An incident recorded in the Gospel of Luke, which tells about the time Jesus and the disciples encountered a storm on the Sea of Galilee, offers great comfort.  When  his frightened followers woke him with "Master, master, we perish," not only were the wind and waves rebuked,  his students received a rebuke as well.  It's interesting to note that Jesus didn't ask them, "Why don't you have any faith?" but "Where is your faith?"

        Whatever personal storm we may be in, Christ is in the "boat" with us.  It is always wrong for a Christian to let himself or herself become agitated, alarmed, overwhelmed, by human conditions.  Why?  Because to do so is to show open disbelief in the God Christians profess to trust for their life and well-being.

        A tranquil life doesn't mean a life without challenges.  The teachings of our Saviour make this clear.  "In the world," he said, "ye shall have tribulation:  but be of good cheer; I  have overcome the world."  Abiding peace of mind isn't found in spiritual stagnation.  Would we really expect it to be?

        Jesus not only "told it like it is"; he showed us the way to behave as we're praying and working through difficulties.  Jesus didn't float above the human scene unaffected by the animosity, fatigue, sorrow, and agony he faced; he experienced life deeply.  Yet he never let trials turn him away from God.  Nor should we.

        Sometimes it's not the earthshaking troubles that disturb our peace; it may be common everyday worry that keeps us stirred up.  It's no wonder Jesus spoke against our being anxious or fearful about anything, because anxiety selfishly fosters that which is anti-Christ and make s serenity impossible.

        However, by adopting Jesus' attitude of always seeking God's will, of doing all to the Father's glory, we will find that there is less and less left in human consciousness that responds to "the prince of this world"--to doubt of God's omnipotence, to self-will and worry.

        Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science has this in one of her articles:  "Mortals have only to submit to the law of God, come into sympathy with it, and to let His will be done.  This unbroken motion of the law of divine Love gives, to the weary and heavy-laden, rest."

        Existence free from anxiety is vastly more than lack of emotion.  There are people who, to keep some measure of control over their experience, suppress joy, warmth, acts of kindness to their fellow travelers on life's road.  But this isn't the way Jesus deals with everyday living.  And it has the tragic effect of depriving us and others of feeling the presence of divine Love, which would enhance our peace and well-being.  This negative approach to life yields through our stricter attention to our Master's command not to let things worry us.

        Abiding peace of mind carries a price tag.  Through consistent, heartfelt communing with God, we feel the peace of our unity with Him as His beloved child.  And how long should we spend in this prayer?  Until our self-filled, materially distracted thoughts begin to yield to trust in God, until we feel some measure of conviction that God--the all directing, supremely governing intelligence of man and the universe--is indeed in charge of everything that concerns us. Thus we experience the peace Christ gives us.


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Are We Really Free?

Not until we know what Jesus knew,
the only liberating truths there are.
A startling thing to hear?
Nevertheless, all too true.
We are not really free,
until we know we're
not made of flesh and blood
and bones and such,
that we weren't born
into a matter body
and aren't in one now,
but are wholly spiritual, perfect,
the way our Father, God
has created us to be.

Wherever we live,
whatever our human history,
whatever problems we may face,
there is a way out
of matter's slavery --
Christly truths that set us free.
They're published in a  book*.
Why not take an unbiased look?
You may end up
thanking God you did.

*"Science and Health with
            Key to the Scriptures"
                    by Mary Baker Eddy

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Our Real House

        One evening while thinking about house/dwelling/home, these 2 statements kept coming to thought.  "Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations" Psalms points out. 

        And this from Mary Baker Eddy's writings, "Pulpit and Press":  The real house in which 'we live, and move, and have our being' is Spirit, God, the eternal harmony of infinite Soul." And further on in this Dedicatory Sermon is this thought, that our true dwelling place is no human fabrication.

        Then, later in the evening when we were all in bed for the night, our dogs started barking wildly at the sound of an alarm.  At first, it seemed it might be the next-door neighbor's, or the people across the street.  But then, with blue flashing lights all over the room, it was clear the police were involved.  Looking out the bedroom window, 5 police cars were visible, 3 at an angle in front of our neighbor's next door, and one alongside their house, and one on the street behind our subdivision.  Several officers were out in the yard, also a dog tracking someone or someones apparently.

        This continued for about two hours, with a wrecker coming to drag out one police car and the stolen car two men had jumped out of and fled. Several stores nearby had been robbed.

        To get to the chase (so to speak), this stolen car had been traveling at a speed of 100mp an officer said, and when they saw our cul-de-sac didn't allow for an escape, threaded the car right between our house and the neighbor's.  Not one thing was damaged, not any shrubbery or trees or flower beds or anything!  This seemed remarkable given the narrow space they were faced with and the speed of the car.

        I can't help thinking that the prayerful work done earlier in the evening accounted for this, and were we grateful to God for what He has revealed about where we really live.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Life Worth Living

People strive all their lives
For personal fortune, fame,
Or something else of
Primary benefit to themselves.
And what do they get for
Their time and worry?
Forgotten, for the most part.
Or if remembered, not for
Reasons that count all that much.
At the opposite end of
Earthly human endeavor
Are those who have found out
What life is all about.
"Go ye into all the world and
Preach the gospel to every creature,"
our forever Master said.
While you and I might not make it
To Africa, New Zealand, or
Some other exotic spot
(I write this from Tennessee, USA)
We're in the world right where we are,
And can carry out Mark 16:15 here, now.
Let this be our life's work,
To honor Christ in what we say and do.
And we can see this be the thing
That turns our fellow beings to God.
                           Earth has no joy
                                        That can
                                                Possibly compare.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Achieving quicker healings

                                                           John Robert Howell

                                       (Written for the student of Christian Science)

        Our loving Father-Mother God never leaves us comfortless, not for one second, and is a solid fortress in which we can always find refuge.  We therefore can and should expect quick and permanent healings.  Truth, Life, and Love correctly understood and applied area all-powerful and instant in action.

        However, it is easy to allow prayer, thought, and study to  become perfunctory, uninspired, and rote, even if one seems to be allowing adequate time for these activities.  Imbuing each day's prayer and study with listening and receptivity to God's angel thoughts cannot help but unfold healing and progress.

        A feeling of spiritual ennui is not necessarily the result of a failure to keep proper ward over the quality of one's thinking, however.  It is easy, in short, to fall into any of a variety of mental ruts.  These ruts invariably lead back to waymarks one passed long ago or to stale, stereotyped conclusions.

        Many years ago I worked in some old oil fields.  I was told that oil from the wells had contributed to the World War I efforts of the United States.  After a few decades so much oil had been pumped that the original extraction methods were no longer economical.  At this point what are called secondary extraction methods were employed.  These involved the pumping of water or natural gas into strategically located injection wells, thereby "washing" or pushing the remaining oil towards the production wells.

        This worked well for many years, but in time this method too failed to yield economical results.  What began to happen was that the injected water or gas began to cut a channel in the subterranean sand directly to the producing wells.  The result was, of course, that the producing wells began to retrieve little more than the water or gas injected a few h ours or days before.  It became a kind of giant, unproductive circulation system.

        The same thing can result, if one mechanically returns to truths, thoughts, and prayers which have proved helpful in the past.  Over time one's thought and understanding naturally change and develop, and so must one's prayer and thinking.  Adults seldom read for their own pleasure the nursery rhymes and children's stories that produced so much please and delight when they were children.  They have outgrown them.  The Word of God, though, is ever fresh, apprehensible, and effectual, and as one is willing to humbly accept his innate unity with God, good, he can and will partake of this daily bread.

        Christ Jesus' own disciples apparently hit one of these spiritual flat spots in their work when they failed to heal an epileptic child.  Jesus attributed it to their unbelief or lack of faith, or, one might say, to their need for greater spiritual understanding and inspiration. This higher state of thought was obviously attainable since the Master had already proven it so by healing the boy. (Matthew 17:14-21)

        If unopposed and unchallenged, mortal belief would seem to impose on man a sort of spiritual entropy, a belief that everything eventually runs down. How can one counteract and overcome this false claim?  By striving to make the study of the Bible and writings of Mary Baker Eddy more fresh, humble, and insightful.  By striving to imbibe what one is learning and live it, thus keeping the study of Truth from becoming merely an abstract and theoretical exercise in metaphysics.

        Seeking to attain and maintain a purer, more spiritually elevated thought puts new wine into fresh skins, and so one gets more spiritual traction in his daily experience.  Thinking about God and good is not the same thing as actually gaining an understanding of and expressing Him.

        The Master Christian has outlined the way all Christians and Christian Scientists must go.  And this in time will make healing work instantaneous.  Progress will come not in baby steps, but in leaps.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

City on a hill

                         (This was written for a friend of mine who lives in Scotland)

The wisest people

I'm blessed to know

At the Master's feet

No matter what bend low.

And I have observed

These humble stay that way.

It's the way they live,

Not the words they say.

This city set on a hill,

This shedder of light,

Though resident of Scotland

Reaches far with Christ's might.

Christians such as he

Live not for wealth or fame

But to follow in the Master's steps,

To do what Jesus did, the same.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

On Being Well

Too many people

need chemical substances

to get them through the day,

to feel well enough at all.

      It need not be you                        

    (God be thanked)

not with the health,

the energy and freedom

He gives us through

Christian Science,


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Handling Mesmerism

                                                    By John Wellsman

(John is a friend who lives in Arizona.  He just shared the following thoughts with a friend who was feeling very oppressed with the mesmeric thought in politics, and I'm sharing it with you.)

        Actually mesmerism itself isn't the real problem.  The problem is our belief in the existence and power of mesmerism.  Handle, negate, make nothing of that belief and we're home free!  Not any reality of mesmerism but the suggestion that we can believe in mesmerism or other people mesmerizing anyone.  That we can be made to believe in the reality of mesmerism.

        If we're tempted to say, "But, but, but..." The question then becomes, do we really believe that God is All?  If he is All-in-all as the Bible declares who, what, where is mesmerism or anyone (including ourselves) to believe in mesmerism.  Many people get tied up in denying it as a reality but if we deny that we can be made to believe in mesmerism ourselves we shut it out of our own thought and it indeed becomes nothing to us.  This won't be the whole of mesmerism for the world, but it will cease to trouble us individually.

        Yes, it does require some repetition of thought and may seem to take some time and a leap of faith, but it can be done.  The key I've found is to shut out those "But, but, but..." thoughts as soon as they present themselves (people told me that years ago and I didn't listen or understand what they were saying at first.)  They're only suggestions after all.  We need to stick with the refusal to believe we can believe a falsehood.  That gets to the root of the problem.

        You might want to consider Science and Health p. 102, lines 1-8:

        "Animal magnetism has no scientific foundation, for God governs all that is real, harmonious and eternal, and His power is neither animal nor human.  Its basis being a belief and this belief animal, in Science animal magnetism, mesmerism, or hypnotism is a mere negation, possessing neither intelligence, power, nor reality, and in sense it is an unreal concept of the so-called mortal mind." 

(Mary Baker Eddy wrote this, for my viewers who are not familiar with the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.)