Cyndi came to do some housework for us once a week. And one day she saw me at my desk reading a book. Curious, she asked about it. I told her it was Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. She knew nothing about it, or the religion my husband and I were involved with. So I told her a little of what it taught and of our experiences in practicing it.
She asked if she could borrow the book. I had an extra copy, so gladly gave it to her. Over the next few weeks, she would say, I'm reading a little each day and finding some brand new thoughts in it.
Then one day she telephoned on a day that wasn't her regular time to clean. There was such excitement in her voice. She had come to page 89 in this book where Mary Baker Eddy writes: "Mind is not necessarily dependent upon educational processes. It possesses of itself all beauty and poetry, and the power of expressing them." Cyndi couldn't stop reading and thinking about these words, she told me. They had opened up a whole new world to her.
Being someone of very little formal schooling, she had felt inferior all her life. She had yearned to express herself better, wanted to be more active in her Baptist church, but never felt she was educated enough to try to.
Just above the words that turned her thinking about herself when she came over. Mrs. Eddy is talking about a person who says, "I am incapable of words that glow for I am uneducated. If one believes that he cannot be an orator without study or a superinduced condition, the body responds to this belief, and the tongue grows mute which before was eloquent."
Cyndi's life was different from this time on. The change was noticeable to many people. Self-expression came much more confidently. This was one happy, dear Christian girl.