People strive all their lives
For personal fortune, fame,
Or something else of
Primary benefit to themselves.
And what do they get for
Their time and worry?
Forgotten, for the most part.
Or if remembered, not for
Reasons that count all that much.
At the opposite end of
Earthly human endeavor
Are those who have found out
What life is all about.
"Go ye into all the world and
Preach the gospel to every creature,"
our forever Master said.
While you and I might not make it
To Africa, New Zealand, or
Some other exotic spot
(I write this from Tennessee, USA)
We're in the world right where we are,
And can carry out Mark 16:15 here, now.
Let this be our life's work,
To honor Christ in what we say and do.
And we can see this be the thing
That turns our fellow beings to God.
Earth has no joy
That can
Possibly compare.