...after reading something in a book that Mary Baker Eddy wrote, while having breakfast outdoors this morning at my favorite place, enjoying the cool, lovely Spring air. I came across this passage, "In no other one thing seemed Jesus of Nazareth more divine than in his faith in the immortality of his words. He said,'Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away;' and they have not. The winds of time sweep clean the centuries, but they can never bear into oblivion his words. They still live, and to-morrow speak louder than to-day. They are to-day as the voice of one crying in the wilderness, 'Make straight God's paths; make way for health, holiness, universal harmony, and come up hither.'" (Miscellaneous Writings, page 99)
I couldn't help feeling so thankful to God that I get to read these words, love them, and share my Master's immortal words with others all over the world. What a privilege and joy!