Sitting here thinking about the attribute of generosity, essential for any of us who are committed to following in Jesus' steps. Also, of a business associate who is one of the most giving people I deal with. He heads a large company, and his employees, down to the most humble worker, all attest to what he does for them. In fact, I just wrote a card thanking him for something extra he did for me with these words: "You express such generosity. One could almost say, a heavenly generosity." Which it is.
Years ago when I was just starting out in the practice of Christian Science, with a regular paycheck in the rear window, I came across something its Discoverer and Founder writes. Mary Baker Eddy says in "First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany" (page 165): "Goodness and benevolence never tire. They maintain themselves and others and never stop from exhaustion. He who is afraid of being too generous has lost the power of being magnanimous. The best man or woman is the most unselfed."
I would read this and at that point in my experience, feel "Why, I can't be generous. The supply just isn't there." Yet, over time I began to understand better that divine Love does give us all we need. And enough left over to help others. I credit the teachings of the Bible, Christ Jesus' assurances of God's love and care, and the truths of Christian Science for helping me overcome the false beliefs of lack and limitation.
And speaking of generosity, a lovely thing happened just this week. A pet store owner was clearing out cans of dog food that weren't selling, and he happened to tell my husband he could have all 180, and all very high quality food, for 50 cents a can! Well, given there is a wonderful humane society here in Tennessee that does heroic work in rescuing and helping animals--men and woman all volunteers--he bought them up and handed them off yesterday to a woman who drove many miles up here to Farragut. She happened to say, "Sometimes I think we've undertaken more than we can handle." Whereupon my husband told her, "But you're laying up treasure in heaven by all the giving you do on behalf of God's creatures."
How the generosity of one has blessed and will bless so many others. This is indeed a heavenly quality for all to cultivate.