I know that my fellow Christian Scientists will rejoice at something that just has to be shared. If this doesn't show how God works to bless His children!
Going back a few weeks, it seems a woman felt it her religious duty to send me an email saying that she was praying for my soul, that she was burdened with the thought of my heading to hell! This isn't the first time someone has been disturbed that I am a student of Christian Science (as a recent blog post points out -- "Reply to someone trying to save me"). But this appeared more stirred up than some others. I answered her, in effect, that while I appreciated her concern, I wouldn't think of leaving my religion that I thanked God for every single day.
This continued for a bit. Then I received an email suggesting I visit the website that is run by former Christian Scientists who feel they now have Jesus and didn't before. I, of course, have read through this site and couldn't help but note the bitterness of some of the individuals who have posted on it. And in fact, it was being aware of their website that inspired me to start my own blog 2 years ago this month. I replied, "And I have a suggestion for you. There is a wonderful book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy that you might wish to check out." She replied that she was going to read this book that weekend.
Well, I didn't hear from her for a few days. Then last Friday afternoon, the phone rang and when I picked it up, it was this lady calling. Obviously had gotten my phone number from my blog. She was reading the textbook, said she didn't understand all of it (this is understandable). But the marvelous part was, she was not combative, sounded meek and sweet. I said, "Now we don't need to debate our beliefs. You are doing what you feel God wants, and so am I." I said this when she identified herself as the one who had been emailing. We chatted a bit about where do you live, I live in Michigan. Do you live in the mountains and so forth. I said, "God loves you, and so do I." And that was that.
I couldn't help noting that she sounded rather ill (which I denied) and it struck me that any truth which lights up for her in Mrs. Eddy's book can't help but help her.
Isn't God wonderful the way He works to bring good to all concerned!