Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Shaking off complacency

In thinking about a comment "Presently...anonymous" made about getting God back into things in the American government, and I do agree, want to say two things this beautiful winter morning: I appreciate the excellent thinking this commenter is doing and it's fine with me if I never know who it is! Blogs are exciting when there is such interaction, and who is making a contribution isn't the important thing, in my view.

Second, if there is anything in this world I am motivated to do it is lead people's thoughts to God through our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. And this includes those of my own religious faith--especially so in too many instances these days. As Jesus says, no man cometh unto the Father but by him. So, my ongoing work is clear. The following lines have come to thought, so will share and hope something in them may offer someone out there something to ponder. Then act on!

"Shaking Off Complacency"

While settled down
with the status quo,
how is a Christian Scientist
really going to grow?

It's not a bad thing
to feel stirred, contrite,
when it's God doing it;
it can get ourselves right.

A self-satisfied Christian
doesn't deserve the name.
Let it not be said of us
that we are the same.

Though the most loving
man that walked the earth,
Jesus would have challenged
us for all we are worth.

Walking along with Him
on some dustry road,
would I have "manned" up,
and taken the goad?

Or have been offended
at the needed jolt,
and walked no more--
choosing instead to bolt?

That we'd have gone
with Him all the way,
we hope we would have,
but cannot truly say.

So, let me give more thought
to walking the Christly walk,
and much less to merely
talking Scriptural talk.

Jesus said the labourers
out there are few.
And one can't do much
while refusing to do.

Of course. the Word must
have believers, yes.
But Christ's work needs
doers, if it is to be done.

Are Jesus' poignanat words less
binding than when spoken?
Don't they need from us assent,
more than just token?
