Heard on the news yesterday
about a camp for atheist kinds,
(I'm not making this up)
where one boy said,
"If there is a God, why
doesn't He appear everyday
at say, 3:15?"
Oh, deliver us from stupidity!
Couldn't help but think
of two instances in the Bible;
the first with Thomas, who
had seen so much being with Jesus,
yet still needed this rejoinder:
"Thomas, blessed are they that
have not seen, and yet have believed."
(John 20:27)
And the blind man, whose
parents questioned him
about his wonderful healing.
As we know, he replied,
about this man I do not know;
one thing I know, whereas I
was blind, now I see.
We who have experienced
Christ's healing touch
in so many ways, find
it all joy to have the
opportunity to stand for Truth,
to be able to say,
my God liveth, and by
heaven, I know it.
Hope I'm learning to do
this always in tender love--
not take the discussion
beyond the other person's
agitation or turning away.
Embedded on our Saviour's
words and works,
we stand upon the Rock,
and nothing anyone says or
disbelieves about God's power
can our faith in Him shock.
This is of course subject vast,
but your and my love for
and faith in God is going to last.