Wednesday, March 18, 2015

As to negative comments

        Someone may wonder, don't the negative comments on your New York Times piece bother you? My answer, as Sidney Greenstreet said to Humphrey Bogart in "The Maltese Falcon", "As to that, sir, as to that", not in the least. As I was merely presenting my views on the healing efficacy of Christian Science, and not debating, I chose not to open up a back and forth with said commenters.

        I'm far too steeped in the lives of those who stood up for their religious beliefs, heroes of the faith I call them, to be affected.  Nothing short of being gunned down or thrown in jail for what I espouse makes any difference to me personally.

        And as to the divine truths God revealed to Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, nothing touches them.  Truth is Truth, and will remain so. That individuals who have not investigated my religion, who know nothing about it really, who have not experienced what God can do for one who has the understanding of His laws that Christian Science makes available, who worship not Him, but drugs etc, who have no use for religion in general, would make disparaging comments, is no surprise to me. Or those individuals who sadly have not been healed of their conditions through Christian Science.  My heart goes out to them, as it does to individuals who have not been healed by medical means, or have been left in a worse state of health.

        Of course, people want what they consider best for their children, all children.  So does every Christian Science parent and practitioner I know.  Who decides what is  best? The medical profession, the state, a child's parent/parents?  Who?  Not one of us wants a child harmed.  Not ever, never!

        And I say again, as Americans we are guaranteed freedoms concerning religion and expression by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.  It forbids Congress from restricting an individuals' religious practices.  It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely.