Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Resenting and Its Impact on Health

        No right-thinking student of Christian Science would let resentment linger in his thoughts.  As our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, writes in Prose Works, "Message for 1902":  "The Christian Scientist cherishes no resentment; he knows that that would  harm  him more than all the malice of his foes. Brethren, even as Jesus forgave, forgive thou.  I say it with joy, -- no person can commit an offense against me that I cannot forgive."

        And one of the ways resentment can do us in is in relation to our health.  I read something an early worker in our Cause once said, that he had found in long years of being in the public practice, he had found that almost all the bodily problems people were experiencing were caused by hatred in some form.

        Imagine letting a deadly snake loose to roam in our dwelling.  While the snake might not get us, letting resentment loose in our mental home eventually will. Sooner or later, lack of Christly loving and forgiving is going to show up in problems we do not have to have. No matter how offensive/insulting/mean -- you name it -- may be the behaviour of others toward us, we can't afford to resent it.  Disturbed thought needs to be gotten at as quickly as one can begin thinking correctly.   And because we are followers of Jesus and have his teachings to guide us, we can do it.

        1 John 4:16 puts i clearly:  "God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him."  The worse thing about not having love abiding in our consciousness is the sense of estrangement from Him that it causes.  This is a very unsafe place to be, and it isn't anything we have to let continue.With the armor of Christ's words, and no-fooling praying, we can keep our thinking where we know it belongs.  Our health and well-being depend on it.
