Saturday, June 22, 2013
All Mankind
It's good at times to be jolted out of our, what can be, petty daily concerns and this just happened to me. Today's Wall Street Journal has a front-page article, with a full page inside on appalling conditions on the other side of the world from where I live -- Bangladesh.
It is difficult to imagine our fellow beings living and working in such conditions, and this article brings it out graphically. When scarcely- teenage girls are worked as these are by greedy and inhumane employers at clothing factories supplying us in the USA, well it jars me to do something about it.
First is prayer and in contemplating what I've just read, it occurs to me that the Lord's Prayer, prayed more earnestly can't help but have a beneficial effect on the situation. On any situation that needs correcting. Certainly what Jesus gave his disciples, and all mankind, has enormous divine power to bring about more Christly compassion in this world of ours.
And a line from the Daily Prayer by Mary Baker Eddy is helpful for me to think about in this regard: "And may Thy Word enrich the affections of all mankind, and govern them." Those employers whose compassion for others is lacking, can be helped to change their ways, I do believe. They can feel for their fellow countrymen more sympathy and love for them.
In addition to deeper praying, there are human footsteps that can be taken, and these I intend to do. There is just one world, and we're all united in being children of our heavenly Father, (even those factory owners) and countless numbers need whatever help we're inspired to give.