Wednesday, August 1, 2012

No need for self-depreciation

"Ye are all the children of God
through faith in Christ Jesus"
Paul tells us in Galatins 3:26.
Wherefore, then, all this
putting ourselves down?
Be humble, yes, and this only
increases as one wakes up
to this glorious fact:
you and I belong to Him,
are made in His likeness.
Does it not devalue God's work
to discredit what we are,
the good we can do?
Accepting what the Bible says
can be a major breakthrough,
change dramatically our view.
The devil uses many a strategem
to inferfere with Christ
working through us to serve.
From a proper sense of ourselves
let us, then, not swerve.

We are Christ's,
and Christ is God's,
for heaven's sake!