Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A practical appreciation of Christ Jesus

(These thoughts this morning are being shared primarily for you readers of this blog who are not yet acquainted with the teachings of Christian Science.  Hope it brings you enlightenment.  And divine healing, too.)

Many people gain inspiration and comfort from thinking about the man Jesus, for whom we could never, ever feel enough reverence and love.  But perhaps even more important, we need to gain a practical understanding of the Christ-power he expressed.

The purpose of our Master's unequaled example was not merely to inspire mankind but to show us how to be free from every form of bondage, physical suffering included.  He promised, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also."  (John 14:12)

Underlying Jesus' words and deeds was eternal divine law, which we all can apply.  Through prayer that springs from an understanding of God as the perfect ,totally good Principle of the universe, and of man's actual nature as His image, we can experience a restoration of harmony.  And it makes no difference whether our problem is physical, financial, emotional, or moral.

Christian Science teaches the eternal Biblical truth of man's indestructible relationship to God.  And, as indicated above, many have found freedom from sickness and other ills through the study and application of this truth.  Perceiving something of man's actual nature as spiritual and whole, reflecting the perfection of Spirit, they have proved by healing that no one need be subject to such debilitating conditions as sin, disease, lack.

On the basis of man's eternal likeness to God, Jesus healed all types of troubles.  His works vividly illustrated the fact that man, as God created him, has never fallen from his original, spiritual state of being, that nothing can truly interfere with his harmony and well-being as the reflection of divine Love.  The Master healed pain, impairment--apparently hopeless difficulties of every sort-- through the Christly understanding of divine law.

Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, points out, "The Christlike understanding of scientific being and divine healing includes a perfect Principle and idea-- perfect God and perfect man--as the basis of thought and demonstration."  Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, page 259.

More times than I could tell you about in this posting, not mere admiration or reverence for Christ Jesus' teachings, but a correct understanding and application of the scientific, spiritual rules of these teachings, is what has established health and normality in my life.  And it can do the same for you.

In the book I quoted from above of Mrs. Eddy's, is this statement:  "To be 'present with the Lord' is to have, not mere emotional ecstasy or faith, but the actual demonstration and understanding of Life as revealed in Christian Science." (Ibid., page 14)