Saturday, October 16, 2010

Is the Internet a good thing?

I've had some interesting conversations about this, and one can find those who say yea, and those who say nay. Some vehemently opposed. Speaking for myself, I would say that on balance, the Internet is a good thing. Especially is this true when it comes to getting Christ's words into cyberspace.

Something just this morning which underscores this for me. An individual contacted me who had read a poem I posted on another website. This is not unusual. But the website my poem was on was a near-porno site! I couldn't believe a poem dedicated to Jesus' words would show up there. Just goes to show that the web with all its downsides can do good things.

To go back to pre-blogging days. I was in Borders Books one day looking through the poetry section when what did I spy? A book of poems titled, "Talking Dirty to God"! This needs to be countered I thought immediately. And right then and there resolved to put out a book of poems of my own to offset this foul stuff. And my first book, "For Love of Christ" came out soon after. It is still being carried by Borders which goes to show, it isn't my writing I realize that accounts for this. It is the words of "him who spake as never man spake." (see John 7:46)

And the poem that appealed to the person running that website I wouldn't touch with a 20-foot pole?

Christ's Followers and Dignity

Jesus' 'Cast not your
pearls before swine'
is a command we as
servants need to mind.

Sometimes (not always) I can see,
we walk a very fine line
when dealing with those
uninterested in things divine.

While we would crawl in the dirt,
or gladly mop the floor
for our Saviour we adore,
groveling Jesus would deplore.

This is not to say we
loving our neighbor neglect.
But obedience to Christ demands
that we keep our self-respect.

Yes, we Christ's followers must obey
when we hear God clearly say,
thus far and no farther;
dignified, you are to stay.

I can hear some commenter already say, where's the dignity in putting your words out on something that can have such smutty stuff on it? I agree that there is much on the web that is repulsive. Don't I know when I see my name attached to porno sites. And along with many others cannot get Google (the worst offender in this) to remove the listings. But all in all, I still think getting the message of Christ's saving power out there through God's Word and the teachings of divine Science are worth it.

Would our Master blog? Would our Leader? Of course we do not know. But as my friend Hal pointed out in a comment left on this blog, telling others about the saving truths we Christian Scientists are learning is vital. We all (and this certainly includes me) could be making our religion available to others much more than we are. And in this use, to me, the internet is a good thing.