It's always a joy to see how new students of Christian Science are applying the truths they are learning. And getting such solid results.
Some months ago, a girl who knew nothing about CS came across this website and began noticing all the references to Mary Baker Eddy's great book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. She was interested to learn more about this, and obtained a copy for herself. As they say, a duck to water. She couldn't leave this book alone, kept reading and very soon began using what she was learning about God and man.
Then in talking with her on Monday, heard about 3 ways in which Christian Science was helping her--the most recent having occurred early that morning. She was out jogging, when she stepped on a cone from a tree and tripped. A pain shot up her leg and she thought, uh oh, did something break? But quickly, she began praying with the Scientific Statement of Being found in the book mentioned above. It reads as follows: "There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance, in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; mater is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual."
This girl got up, walked a few steps, and continued on her way, completely free of the pain. She was so thankful to God.
Then in another instance of what CS can do for us. She was helping a lady with a project, who seemed to be such a perfectionist, this girl dreaded going over to her house. The woman gave the impression nothing was quite good enough. Working there was a strain. Then one day, this new student of Science was thinking about what she was learning, about being made in God's image, being His likeness. It dawned on her, why I don't have to feel inferior. I don't have to be afraid I won't measure up. I, and this woman I'm working for, are God's children, made in His own image. The situation changed dramatically, and now it's a pleasure to be working with this woman.
The 3rd instance of what a growing spiritual understanding can do came in this way. This girl had grown up quite poor, and when they finally got their own home, was always anxious lest they lose it somehow. "What if we can't keep this house?" was always at the back of her mind. But this fear just disappeared (she can't say exactly when). She attributes this to the continuous, deep, exciting study of the Eddy book, as she calls it. Perhaps it was learning more about God's great love for us, and the infinite ways He has of meeting our human needs, she thought.
These are just some of the examples among thousands taking place everyday in the world of the benefits to be gained from Science and Health. Reading and using in our everyday lives what Christian Science brings out about God and man--divine truths Jesus knew and applied in his ministry--will do for you what it has done and is doing for this very happy girl.