Let me give a portion of it for anyone coming across this blog who is seeking a higher way to health than through medical means. This individual, who after the accident, took up "Science and Health" writes that "I became so absorbed in the book that I forgot all about my ankle; it went entirely out of my thought, for I had a glimpse of all God's creation as spiritual, and for the time being lost sight of my material selfhood. After two hours I laid the book down and walked into another room. When next I thought of my ankle, I found it was not hurting me. The swelling had gone down, the black and blue appearance had nearly vanished, and it was perfectly well. It was healed while I was 'absent from the body' and 'present with the Lord.' This experience was worth a great deal to me, for it showed me how the healing is done."
A precedent for doing what this person did--turn away from the body to God for healing--is found in the Bible, particularly in the life and works of Christ Jesus. He healed many who had physical troubles, showing that disease is a violation of an inherent right -- the right of the children of God to experience harmony in every aspect of life.
Underlying our Master's words and deeds was eternal divine law, which we can learn how to apply. Through prayer that springs from an understanding of God as the perfect Principle of the universe, and of our actual nature as His spiritual image, we can experience genuine health.
Despite the appearance that we're merely physical beings, the true self of everyone is incorporeal, diseaseless, never helpless. We actually live in Spirit and are eternally above and apart from physicality and suffering. Wholeness is the very essence of God's nature, and His children express that wholeness. We can turn away from preoccupation with the body--with how to repair it, add to it, or substract from it -- and realize that Spirit is our true source and substance. God is the sole maintainer of our well-being.
Sickness, or inharmony of any kind, isn't a part of our real identity. And awakening to this fact results in healing. The book mentioned above says, "The Christlike understanding of scientific being and divine healing includes a perfect Principle and idea, -- perfect God and perfect man as the basis of thought and demonstration." (page 259)
Jesus didn't examine the body either to determine the cause of illness or to cure it. He was deeply compassionate with the sufferers he encountered. Yet his teachings turn us away from over-concern about the body to greater trust in God's care. Turning to God was what Jesus invariably did and taught and advocated.
I learned several years ago how powerful Christ, Truth is. I was called to visit a Christian Scientist in a residential home who urgently needed help. When I went into the room, the scene was daunting. I read some comforting truths from "Science and Health" to calm the tumult. Then I turned and looked out the window. I prayed earnestly to witness right there God's absolute allness and the nothingness of matter, sickness, suffering. After a little while I had such a feeling of Love's presence that I turned around. The situation had changed markedly. The woman was sitting up in bed, and said she felt as though she could eat someting. That was the end of her difficulty, which earlier had seemed overwhelming to those concerned.
I've seen over and over again that freedom from suffering comes as the truth of God's allness and of our perfection as His children becomes more real to us. Being 'absent from the body and present with the Lord' does heal.