Of the many, many things I am grateful to Christian Science for, what I'm
thinking about today and wish to put into cyberspace for perhaps a newcomer to read is this: "If divine Love is becoming nearer, dearer, and more real to us, matter is then submitting to Spirit." This is from Mary Baker Eddy's wonderful book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and it's found on page 239.
I have been giving much more attention to loving as Jesus loved. And just one of the rewards is a greater realization that, as our Master knew, man is made in God's, Spirit's image and is purely spiritual now. Of course, I've known this all my life as a student of Christian Science. But to have the belief of matter with all its falsities and binding conditions dissipating is a glorious thing. And I just thought I would share this with my readers.
God bless your day, as I am sure He will as you turn to Him as the one great reality and strive to imbibe that divine Love Jesus said is paramount.