Monday, October 1, 2018

Our Oneness with God

        Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy is filled with uplifting, healing statements.  Among them is this:  "Jesus of Nazareth taught and demonstrated man's oneness with the Father, and for this we owe him endless homage." 

        Many students of Christian Science have found this truth of our oneness with God to be of immense help in their daily lives.  A friend of ours from Australia shared with me something his Sunday School teacher told them, something that brought him through many challenges.  Especially harrowing escapes when he was serving in the military in a jungle.  The teacher said, "You and God are not two, but one.  And that one is God."  Our friend never forgot this, and not only this thought of being one with God was the difference in a life and death situation  -- "a close run thing" he told us -- but he was completely and permanently healed from the malaria he had contracted.  He and the Christian Science practitioner he turned to for metaphysical help proved what an understanding of man's inseparability from his Maker can do for a person, in health problems as well as in all else that one encounters in life.