Monday, January 23, 2017

Think Unto Others

While thinking about our new President and the negative thoughts he has been receiving, a problem with whoever that person may be, no doubt, Jesus' "Do unto others" came forcefully to thought.  The following is a poem on this subject:

                                                          Think Unto Others

                                                           (Matthew 7:12)

Oh what disservice we do,
When ignoring Jesus' rule for living,
We indulge in thoughts of others
We ourselves do not like receiving.

For God's creation, perfect and complete
Includes us all, includes us every one,
All lovable, worthy of our love,
As shown to us in His beloved Son.

To pass on by our Master's law
For happy, healthy living
Is -- not to put too fine a point on it --
Leaving not done what I must be doing.

But, as God has made His man,
I can think of everyone today.
This is, to the good our Father has for us,
A sure, achievable, way.