Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Never Out of God's Presence

(This verse from the Old Testament is something I like to think about, especially while traveling these days, and I hope it brings you peace of mind.)

                                  Jeremiah 23:24 says, referring to God:
                                       "Do not I fill heaven and earth?,
                                                    saith the Lord."

                                    (To which I always say, "Yes, I know You do.")

What a faith-lighted thought this --

That our loving Father is
Never apart from us.

Is this not glorious?--

That His perpetual care

Surrounds all those we love,

Beside them always, above --

And not only ones we greet,

But those we may never meet;

Never out of God's presence,

Whether night or day,

At home or when away.

What would mankind do

If this were not true?

Oh, but it is the case,

Something nothing can erase.

God with us -- what a treasure,

Its comfort beyond all measure.