Tuesday, July 1, 2014

On Defense

                                                             John Robert Howell

        I was brought up short once again by an article by Mortimer Carr (otherwise unknown to me) in the May 1946 Journal, "Protection and Defense."  Perhaps I alone have too often let my mind drop into a rut when attempting to do my duty as required in Article VIII, Sect. 6, "Alertness to Duty", in the Church Manuel.  Mrs. Eddy there demands, in fact, that each member of The Mother Church "defend  himself daily".  It was easy for me to interpret this as donning, or at least clattering around vigorously with an armor of truths daily.  Carr points out that that would be protecting, not defending, myself.

        He quotes a dictionary definition as stating:  "the inmates of a fortress are defended by its guns, protected by its walls, and guarded by sentries against surprise."  Hosing ourselves down daily with a shower of the letter isn't defending ourselves daily against aggressive mental suggestions.  I find the defintion of defend in the Students Reference Dictionary stronger than those in my desk dictionary.  It (SRD) reads, in part, for defend:  "To drive from; to thrust back; hence, to deny; to repel a demand, charge, or accusation; to oppose; to resist...To drive back a foe or danger...To secure against attacks or evil, to fortify against danger or voilence..."  One certainly doesn't do that with a feather duster of words or a sprinkling of positive thoughts.  Protection is defined, in part, from SRD:  "shelter from evil, preservation from loss, injury, or annoyance."  

        This article of the Church Manuel is much too important to handle with butterfingered notions of what the word defend means.  And Mrs. Eddy tells us that each by-law of the Church Manuel obeyed and lived will contribute to our growth in grace and worthiness to be called genuine Christian Scientists.