Thursday, January 2, 2014

Where Loss is Gain

        The carnal mind that despises everything divine will say to us, "Don't do what Christ Jesus says to do, don't look to God for what is worth having in life.  You'll lose out on all the wonderful things I can offer you."

        Many of us have found that this is not true.  Quite the opposite.  It is not possible to give up anything worth having from holding to God's pormises of abundant good.  What can look for all the world like loss turns out to  be gain, often in the most amazing ways, in ways that can leave an on-looker wondering "how did that happen?" 

        Jesus says, "Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." (Luke 12:32)  But if you and I are looking away from God in disobedience to Christ's teachings, how can He give us anything?

        Mary Baker Eddy states:  "O learn to lose with God!  and you find Life eternal: you gain all.  To doubt this is implicit treason to divine decree."  (Miscellaneous Writings, page 341)

        When we reach the place where we can say, I'd rather lose with God than win without Him, we're on ground Jesus trod.