Thursday, December 26, 2013

Enclosed in Him

"God is with you
In everything you do"* --
Words so very true,
Meant for me and you;
On a bookmark they are,
A friend sent from afar.
Whether night or day,
At home or far away,
Feeling up and cheery,
Or downhearted and weary,
A faith-lighted thought this is --
That our loving Father is
Never apart from us.
Is this not glorious? --
That His care does surround,
His loving arms around
All those we love
Beside them always, above --
And not only ones we greet,
But those we may never meet.
What would mankind do
Is this were not true?
Oh, but it is the case,
Something nothing can erase.
Enclosed in Him -- what a treasure,
Comfort beyond all measure.

*Genesis 2122