Friday, July 5, 2013

Guest article (Betty Gillingham)


(This was contributed by a dear friend of mine who lives in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida)

                                           Ever-fresh Opportunities

        Occasionally this thought comes to many of us:  "If only I could live my life again."  We think of what we'd do better the second time--be more  kind, loving, friendly, forgiving to everyone.

        But one doesn't need to live his life again.  All he needs to do, really, is just keep on living it now, but from a better basis.  Nothing is stopping us from being kind, friendly, thoughtful, loving, and forgiving right now, right where we are.

        Man is the spiritual reflection of God, the very expression of His being, coexistent with Him.  He reflects God gloriously and without interruption, for God alone is his Life.  Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science writes, "God is at once the centre and circumference of being."  Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, pp. 203-204  When we realize this, we can see that we need never, even for an instant, feel separated from our divine source.  Every moment provides us with fresh opportunities for reflecting Godlike qualities.

        Christ Jesus pointed out to his disciples the ever-fresh opportunities available, when he said, "Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest?  behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest."  (John 4:35)

        In my work as a teacher in a public elementary schol I found that statement true and provable many times over.  One incident stands out.  A little girl, from the beginning of kindergarten days, had acquired the reputation of being an exceptionally naughty, mean, and destructive child.  By the time she had reached third grade her poor behaviour and reputation seemed to be getting worse.  This was particularly evident one day at recess.  She kicked me repeatedly, and ripped from my coat a belt sewed to the back of it.  While this was going on, I realized I had an immediate opportunity for "harvesting"!

        I decided that throughout the school year I would claim immunity for myself and my pupils from the belief of a mortal past and future by consciously acknowledging, accepting, and trying to live my spiritual at-one-ment with my heavenly Father, ever-present, eternal Love.  I refused to be persuaded by the child's reputation and the suggestion that I could expect little if any improvement.

        I continued clarifying my own thought by realizing that since Love is God, Love is the infinite giver, tender, understanding, and wise. I realized that children--in reality, the ideas of Love--reflect Love's qualities and express their true nature as God's children through gentle, considerate, thoughtful actions. through love, unselfishness, and joy.

        Gradually, throughout the year, the little girl began to show more signs of reflecting the good thoughts that belonged to her as a child of God.  Discord was silenced and replaced with harmony.  Hatefulness gave way to kindness and love, and an unacceptable reputation to a desirable one.  These results, to me, underlined the fact that our recognition of Truth blesses others with whom we are in contact.

       We can rejoice that we are able to take advantage of the ever-fresh opportunities available to us each day to help others wherever we are.