Friday, November 2, 2012
A Poem - (Betty Gillingham)
(Betty is a longtime friend, a Journal listed Christian Science practitioner, who lives in Knoxville, Tennessee)
A Cure for the Blues
Nothing cures depression
I have found
like thanking God
for everything around.
When news or who-knows-what
begins to get me down,
I thank Him and my joy
starts to rebound.
And before I know it,
by expressing gratitude,
I find very soon
a whole new attitude.
Giving way to thanks giving
makes the day much brighter;
it lifts mental darkness,
makes the step much lighter.
And more -- doing this
is infectious I have found.
It can help get someone
else's chin up off the ground.
No wonder Jesus commended
the leper -- that only one
who came back to give God credit
for all that He had done.
So, whenever I'm tempted
to feel a trifle blue,
I'll thank our loving Father,
which is only His due.