When to our "when do you need this finished?", the reply comes back, "I needed it yesterday", we can find ourselves under pressure to produce. What can we do when we have a project that needs to be completed almost immediately?
We can turn to God, the only genuine source of creativity, and expect good results. The Bible says of God, "He performeth the thing that is appointed for me." (Job 23:14)
Turning to God as the only creator, and acknowledging our relationship to Him as His offspring, we begin to glimpse something of the true, spiritual man. This is our actual selfhood, and this selfhood is not a restricted, incomplete mortat but God's perfect likeness. Since God is obviously never limited or anxious, neither is His likeness, man. Accepting this truth and discerning it in prayer, we're increasingly freed from fears of inadequacy, and more of the God-bestowed abilities that have always belonged to us come to light.
Regardless of the demands on him, Christ Jesus possessed the spiritual understanding to meet them instantly. His remarkable readiness musth have come from his sense of unity with his Father. Jesus said humbly, "The Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works." (John 14:10)
As you and I know more of what Jesus knew of spiritual reality, we'll find ourselves expressing readily the inspired know-how required for worthwhile achievements. Prayer, and study of the Bible in the light of Christian Science, make this possible for any sincere seeker. The need is to feel more deeply the reality of man's spiritual selfhood as our present identity. Then we're better able to discern our capabilities; and this encourages us to assert our freedom from incompetence, fear, mediocrity, and so forth.
We're not the inferior, fearful, or inadequate individual so often pictured by the physical senses. You and I can't, then, without our consenting to it, be restricted by insufficient ideas or too little time. We possess a constant capacity to express the fullness of immortal being.
Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, writes in
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, "God expresses in man the infinite idea forever developing itself, broadening and rising higher and higher from a boundless basis." (page 258)
So many times in my life I've needed to come up with a piece of work quickly. And whereas I once would have said to myself, "I can't possibly do this--not that fast!", by turning to God for help assignments have been completed in the most expeditious way.
Understanding our real selfhood as the reflection of God will bring into manifestation the qualities already ours as His child. The satisfying result will be less plodding and pressure, and more spontaneity in expressing God's infinite ability.
Originality, creativity, and mental quickness are matters of spiritual revelation, of reflecting God--and not of x number of hours or days. Realizing this, knowing that we express the all-knowing divine Mind, you and I will find that when the need arises we are able to get more done in less time.