A lady I know in New Zealand just emailed me her sentiments about free public libraries. She's with a library in one of her country's largest cities, and she said, in essence, "To me libraries are a wonder and a treasure, and I can't imagine my life without them." Needless to say, I agree with her completely.
But her comments about something being a treasure made me think of my religion, Christian Science. It is a God-given treasure to me (and to many others), and I can't imagine what my life would be, and would have been, without its teachings.
How often I've thought with gratitude what I owe my mother and the neighbor who spoke to her of Christian Science when there was such a need for better health. Battling a condition kind doctors had not been able to heal, for many years, this neighbor noticed my mother's suffering. She had two small children, and existence was not easy given her ill health. Mary Baker Eddy's book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures was mentioned as having brought healing to many around the world, and this interested my mother greatly. She obtained a copy of this book, began reading and pondering the truths therein. And not all the way through her reading, a dramatic healing took place. Her joy was unbounded, as anyone can imagine. She became a devoted student of Christian Science and had many proofs of God's mighty power over the years, as did we children.
There are treasures in this life, and then there are treasures. And at the top of my list is the invaluable help Christian Science brings to my life every single day.