Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A book that transforms lives

Every so often I re-read the testimonies of healing at the conclusion of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy's masterwork, and just now came across something I must send into cyberspace.  It's found on page 644 and describes so well what many of us have experienced through our encounter with this God-inspired volume.

The writer from Bloomfield, Nebraska says:  "Like a prisoner who had been in chains for years, I was suddenly set free.  I did not then know how the chain had been removed, but I had to acknowledge that it  came through the reading of this book.  I then felt an ardent desire to read more and to know what this power was that had freed in a few days of that which I had been trying for years to shake off and had failed.  It then became clear to me that this was the truth which Jesus Christ taught and preached to free humanity almost two thousand years ago."

How many of us can say an Amen to this.  This book the man refers to is available today, thank God, and is in most public libraries where you can check out a copy.  Or it can be obtained on-line, or from a Christian Science Reading Room.  What has done wonders for countless others, can transform your life.  And God being in charge of this blog I'm doing, I know He can cause someone in need in any part of the globe to read this, be inspired to get Science and Health, and start on an amazing spiritual journey.